20 Gratitude Affirmations for Thanksgiving

During this time of year, I personally love taking the opportunity to focus on gratitude and the things in my life for which I am most grateful. 

Beyond an excuse for a fun holiday, gratitude is a powerful tool for improving our mood and mindset which in turn helps our overall quality of life. Many real-world studies have been done on the benefits of gratitude and in those, it has been linked to improving relationships, increasing happiness, and counteracting anxiety and depression.

“I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness – it’s right in front of me if I’m paying attention and practicing gratitude.” 

Brene Brown

One of my favorite ways to practice intentional gratitude is with positive gratitude affirmations. So with that being said here are 20 powerful affirmations for helping you feel more gratitude and appreciate all you have. 

  1. I am grateful for the irreplaceable beauty of the world around me. 
  2. I am grateful for second chances and the opportunity to begin again.
  3. I am grateful for my incredible body and all it does for me. 
  4. I am grateful for all of the close people that I hold dear to my heart. 
  5. I am thankful for my health. 
  6. I am grateful for the happiness I experience each day. 
  7. I am grateful for the people who show up for me when I need it the most. 
  8. I am thankful for the good that is right here, right now. 
  9. I am thankful for my access to clean water and substantial food. 
  10. I am grateful for my bed. 
  11. I am grateful for all of the things I have overcome in my life to get to where I am today. 
  12. I am thankful for the power I have within myself to continue fighting day by day. 
  13. I am thankful for my family. 
  14. I am grateful for my favorite songs. 
  15. I am grateful for the people who inspire me to be better. 
  16. I am grateful for a powerful mind capable of doing so much good. 
  17. I am thankful for the healing that comes with time. 
  18. I am grateful for the hope I have for the future. 
  19. I am thankful for the irreplaceable memories I have. 
  20. I am grateful for all of the ways I am blessed because of the goodness of others. 

We hope this ist of gratitude affirmations has been helpful and inspiring. For more amazing affirmations to give you a boost in any area of your life, listen to our many affirmation meditations on the Selfpause app.