Using Affirmations to Cultivate Gratitude

There is an abundance of research showing the positive mental health outcomes that result from gratitude practice (more here). Choosing and cultivating gratitude takes conscious effort and like any skill, can be practiced and improved. The more you practice gratitude, the easier and more effortless being grateful will come, and the more fulfilling your life will feel.

In one study published in The Journal of Positive Psychology, participants who regularly expressed gratitude reported greater meaning in life than those in the neutral condition. It is truly humbling and freeing to consider how big life is compared to oneself and to intentionally recognize and acknowledge all of the good around you. You really do see what you want to in life.

“You see what you choose to see, because all perception is a choice.”

Paul Ferrini

You could live the same day twice, both completely identical except for your focus and attitude, and have two totally different experiences and perceptions of that day. Your day can be significantly better and more meaningful without changing your circumstances and simply by focusing on the good and all of the things going right for you. If you decided to look for all of the negative things in your life instead, that same day could feel horrible and unfulfilling.

Similarly, research on Self-Affirmation Theory has shown that self-affirmation interventions induce such positive outcomes as greater levels of optimism or gratitude. So gratitude and self-affirmation are in this positive cycle: self-affirmation leads to gratitude which leads to feeling greater meaning in one’s life, which makes you more likely to practice self-affirmation and express gratitude.

When you focus on the good, the good gets better.

There is something in each day that can bring gratitude and joy if only we will see and appreciate it. The present moment is the greatest gift you can have and even if you can think of nothing else, that is something to be grateful for. Thank the present moment for all it brings you–for the opportunities it gives you to see yourself as you were before and to grow into an even greater self. In hindsight you will see that even the challenges and difficulties you have overcome are something to be grateful for, for helping you learn and grow and evolve. 

I challenge you to make a list of things you’re grateful for and be more conscious of the good in your life– start looking at your life through the lens of gratitude.

Express your gratitude– to others or even just yourself. Speak the good things in your life into the world. Your gratitude attracts that which you are grateful for. Find that something in each day to embrace and cherish. 

When you start focusing on the good, you’ll realize happiness was already available all the time.

Find affirmations for a positive mindset, practicing gratitude, and so much more on the Selfpause app, or use the app to write and record your own affirmations!