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Body Appreciation Affirmations

Enjoy this list of the top body appreciation affirmations to help inspire you to achieve your weight loss goals.

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Body appreciation affirmations are positive statements that focus on the strengths and beauty of your body. They can help to shift your mindset from a negative or critical perspective to a more positive and accepting one. By repeating these affirmations to yourself, you can start to cultivate self-love and self-acceptance, and learn to appreciate and embrace your unique body just as it is. These affirmations can be particularly helpful for those who struggle with body image issues, low self-esteem, or a negative body image, as they can help to boost confidence and promote a healthy and positive relationship with your body. Here is a list of body appreciation affirmations to get you started on your journey towards self-love and body positivity.

Motivation to Exercise Affirmations

"I Am" Exercise Affirmations

  • I love to exercise and do it every day.
  • I am naturally committed to getting it shape and exercising.
  • I am excited and motivated to workout.
  • I am completely committed to working out.
  • I always workout and am in great shape because of it.
  • I work hard during my entire exercise session.
  • I am excited and look forward to working out.
  • I am committed to my workout goals.
  • I am always motivated to exercise.
  • I am great at finishing my full workout.

Powerful Exercise Affirmations

  • I am learning to love exercise and the motivation is naturally coming.
  • Others view me as someone dedicated to fitness and as someone they can go to for fitness advice.
  • I am exercising every day and through my efforts, I am becoming stronger, healthier, and slimmer.
  • I am exercising even when I’m tired, busy, or feeling lazy because exercising makes my day run smoother.
  • My life is becoming more enjoyable and feels more productive as I consistently exercise.
  • My body is transforming into a healthier, stronger, fitter version of itself.
  • I am seeking out unique and creative ways to motivate myself to continue to exercise.
  • I am motivated every day to reach my exercise goals.
  • I am capable of keeping my fitness commitments and exercising regularly.
  • I am someone who loves to challenge myself.
  • I am choosing to exercise even when I feel I have an excuse not to.

Natural Exercise Affirmations

  • I effortlessly view exercising as a top personal priority.
  • I naturally love to exercise and I easily look forward to my workouts.
  • I naturally stick to a workout routine that is perfect for me.
  • I naturally motivated to push myself during my training.
  • I easily find satisfaction from conditioning my body and knowing that I am doing what’s best for my physical health.
  • I personally feel great when I work hard and take care of my health.
  • Exercise provides an important factor of joy in my life.
  • I am inspired to improve my health and my body.
  • I love the feeling of accomplishment that comes with exercise.
  • I’m naturally motivated to stay on track of my fitness goals.
  • I find it easy to become excited for my fitness training each day.

Share Your Favorite Motivation to Exercise Affirmations!

Healthy Eating Affirmations

"I Am" Healthy Eating Affirmations

  • I am a disciplined eater; I only eat foods that are nourishing and beneficial to my health.
  • I am determined to continually make changes in my habits that will truly benefit my life.
  • I choose fresh and healthy snacks.
  • I provide my body with the healthy fruits, vegetables, and water that it naturally craves.
  • I only choose to consume foods that will give my body strength and nutrients.
  • I make sure to start out my day with a healthy breakfast.
  • I choose a healthy diet to promote a healthy heart, mind and body.
  • I am dedicated to living a healthy life and prove it with my healthy choices.
  • I eat balanced meals that are not in surplus of what my body needs.
  • I space out my eating sessions and only eat during appropriate times of day.
  • I regularly research recipes and learn how to make healthy meals that are made out of vegetables, whole grains, nuts, beans, fruits, seeds or other wholesome ingredients.
  • I am a disciplined buyer; I only buy healthy ingredients to ensure the meals I make are wholesome.

Powerful Healthy Eating Affirmations

  • I am learning how to make healthy meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • Other people view me as someone who is fit, healthy, and strong.
  • I am adjusting to love the taste of vegetables and fruit as alternatives to salty, sugary, fatty junk foods.
  • I am transforming into someone who loves being healthy.
  • Eating the right foods is strengthening my health.
  • I am choosing to only consume healthy, simple ingredients.
  • I am continuing to improve my eating habits to be more concerned with nutrition.
  • My healthy diet is allowing my lifestyle to develop beneficial habits that will not only increase my quality of life but also lengthen it.
  • I am making a conscious effort to put my health above convenience or cravings.
  • The meals in my future consist of primarily vegetables, nuts, fruits, seeds and other nutritious ingredients.
  • I am finding healthy options and recipes for breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner.
  • Eating hearty meals is becoming easy and habitual for me.
  • My grocery cart is colorful and tasteful from my variety of fresh and wholesome ingredients.

Natural Healthy Eating Affirmations

  • I honestly find satisfaction in eating healthy foods.
  • I am confident in the benefits that my dietary decisions give me.
  • Nutrition is a high priority in my life and provides restorative utility to my body.
  • I am a fit, health-conscious person who loves experimenting with healthy food options.
  • I personally love fresh vegetables and meals that incorporate them well.
  • I naturally enjoy eating robust and strengthening meals.
  • Others see me as someone who is in control of their health.
  • I provide my body with invigorating ingredients that give me energy to accomplish what I need to.
  • I have always loved eating good foods and giving my body essential nutrients.
  • I ensure that the foods I eat are sustainable and beneficial.

Share Your Favorite Healthy Eating Affirmations!

Healthy Diet Affirmations

"I Am" Healthy Diet Affirmations

  • I am confident that loyalty to this plan will provide me the results I am looking for.
  • I believe in my capability to continue my diet to the end.
  • I am dedicated to the results I seek from my diet.
  • Every day, I only eat the foods that my diet allows.
  • I am highly motivated to eat the nutritious foods encouraged by my diet program.
  • I enjoy eating the food that my diet program tells me to.
  • I am excited to stay with my diet plan.
  • I am focused on succeeding with my healthy eating.
  • I have self discipline and can choose to eat what I am allowed.
  • I am so motivated to be disciplined with my diet.

Powerful Healthy Diet Affirmations

  • I am focusing on the benefits that this diet is providing me instead of any difficulty associated with it.
  • I am not giving up on the program even when it’s hard for me.
  • It is, with time, becoming easier to eat healthy foods without the direction of a diet program.
  • I am seeing my diet through to the end.
  • This diet is helping me achieve my health and weight goals.
  • My diet program is teaching me important skills.
  • I am always making the healthy choice for my body.
  • I believe that my body will change for the better if I stick with this diet.
  • I am not giving in to the temptation of unhealthy eating.
  • I am truly dedicated to the program and am willing to do what it takes to succeed.

Natural Healthy Diet Affirmations

  • It is easy for me to imagine myself completing my diet plan.
  • I am naturally motivated to change my habits.
  • Being diligent and seeing things through are great qualities I have.
  • I consistently and effortlessly visualize the benefits that my diet will provide me.
  • I enjoy following my diet.
  • I am naturally driven to complete and find success with my diet.
  • Eating healthy comes naturally to me.
  • I am powerful enough to resist temptations.
  • I am strong enough to do finish my diet.
  • It is important to me that I change the way that I live in order to better my quality of life.
  • I love the feeling of accomplishment that comes with doing something hard.

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Eliminate Junk Food Affirmations

Share Your Favorite Eliminate Junk Food Affirmations!

"I Am" Eliminate Junk Food Affirmations

  • I choose foods that will provide my body with optimal health and nutrition.
  • I am confident that continually improving my eating habits will benefit all areas of my life.
  • I refuse the temptation of unhealthy eating.
  • I always choose good food over junk.
  • I choose healthy foods because they give me joy.
  • I buy fresh fruits and vegetables in order to make my meals more nutritious.
  • I am healthy because I am able to choose only good, wholesome foods.
  • I know what my body needs and how to provide my body with its necessities.
  • Nutritious, fresh foods are medicinal while junk food is ill-provoking.
  • I am strong enough to say no to junk food.

Powerful Eliminate Junk Food Affirmations

  • I am learning how to make important life changes that are gifting my life with longevity and greater joy.
  • I am rewiring my brain and body to only want the foods my diet allows.
  • I am reminding myself daily of why I am choosing to diet and using this reminder to motivate myself.
  • I envision myself becoming stronger, healthier, slimmer, and more empowered as I continue with my diet.
  • Others view me as someone in control of their weight and health.
  • I am choosing to consume the healthiest of foods and choosing to drink lots of water.
  • I am developing skills of diligence and self-control as I stick with the plan.
  • Fruits, vegetables and other healthy ingredients are beginning to taste sweeter and more satisfying as I incorporate them more into my meals.
  • The motivation to continue with my diet is coming easier as the days go by.
  • I am giving myself kind, encouraging self talk as I learn to achieve my health goals.
  • I am learning to develop healthy habits and freeing myself from unhealthy ones.

Natural Eliminate Junk Food Affirmations

  • I am constantly improving myself in all areas of my life, so it is only natural for me to be improving my dietary health.
  • I have always loved fruits and vegetables, so it brings me joy to put a greater focus on their consumption.
  • I enjoy the satisfaction I get from eating healthy and knowing that I am making progress in my health.
  • I view this diet as an opportunity for personal growth and personal change.
  • Taking care of my weight and health is a priority in my life.
  • I am someone who naturally takes their diets seriously.
  • It’s easy for me to follow the counsel and guidance of my diet plan.
  • My body naturally craves the fresh, wholesome ingredients that the program encourages.
  • I want to use this diet to be an example of health to others and to learn how to help my friends and family take control of their health as well.
  • I am someone who is disciplined with my food choices and can easily avoid junk food.
  • I am the kind of person who can stick diligently to plans like this.

Positive Body Image Affirmations

"I Am" Body Image Affirmations

  • Though never complacent, I am always content in the way my body currently is.
  • My body has a natural and glowing beauty.
  • I am actively giving myself positive self-talk and encouragement.
  • I acknowledge my body’s strengths and weaknesses and choose to accept myself completely.
  • I can choose to love my body’s appearance and appreciate the irreplaceable utility that it gives me.
  • Though I might have goals or seek personal improvement and growth, my body is incredible the way it is right now, today.
  • I am confident in the way my body looks and am proud of each part of my body.
  • I am grateful for each individual part of my body, and this gratitude promotes a self love towards all aspects these parts.
  • My body is remarkable just the way it is.
  • I daily find a deep appreciation for my amazing body.
  • I have a positive self image.

Powerful Body Image Affirmations

  • I am increasing my self love and decreasing negative self-talk.
  • My self acceptance is positively affecting the way that others view me.
  • I look and feel better and this is fueling my confidence.
  • I am finding it easier to feel confident in the way my body is.
  • I am developing a positive, healthy body image.
  • I am my own best friend and reminding myself of all of my body’s incredible qualities.
  • I am cultivating confidence in my own body and learning to love it despite any weaknesses.
  • I am becoming happier with my body.
  • I am fostering a deep gratitude for my body and its beauty.
  • I am overcoming negativity with the powerful light of kind confidence.

Natural Body Image Affirmations

  • I naturally have a deep love and respect for my body.
  • People view me as a confident, happy individual who loves they way that they are.
  • Being confident in my body increases my quality of life.
  • I can easily find positive things about my body.
  • I have always been kind to myself and my body.
  • Self acceptance is a natural part of my life.
  • Focusing on the positive concerning my body is normal for me.
  • My body is incredible in every way and I can easily and honestly admit this to myself.
  • I deserve to be confident and happy with the way that my body is.
  • I am someone who can easily give myself positive self-talk.

Share Your Favorite Eliminate Junk Food Affirmations!