Overcoming Stress With Self-Affirmation

Mental health is an important cornerstone of health, and right now, mental and psychological diseases are more prevalent than ever. The world just keeps giving us more and more reasons to be stressed and anxious, and just when it seems like one global issue is being managed, five more things that are completely out of our control occur, and all we’re left to do is live with the consequences. 

Even though significant progress has been made in the prevention and control of COVID-19, the psychological crisis caused by it is still not over and increased mental health stress continues. 

Research fully demonstrates that the mental and psychological problems caused by excessive stress due to COVID-19 will continue to exist in the post-COVID era. So many have been greatly impacted by the pandemic–losing loved ones, moving back home, not being able to work, navigating restrictions, changing plans for the future, struggling with one’s own health–and in many ways the world will never be the same. We must continue to pay attention to our mental health and adopt practices to cope with these overwhelming changes–whatever stress you may be feeling should not be ignored.

Many studies have shown that affirmation of personal values can lessen psychological stress responses in various situations. A study published in Acta Psychologica Sinica in 2020 also  demonstrates for the first time that affirmation of personal values can lessen the stress response that is specifically due to the pandemic.

In times of stress or overwhelm, it’s so easy to get swept up in negative patterns of thinking and to feel like you can’t handle what is happening to you. It’s hard to know what to do when it feels like everything is out of your control.

But the truth is, your mindset is the most important part of how you deal with stressful situations, and shifting it can be enough to increase your resilience and not let that stress take hold of you.

Positive affirmations are a great tool to have for when you find yourself facing a stressful situation. Using them can help to reframe your thoughts and get through times of stress more easily. Reminding yourself of who you are and what is important to you allows you to feel more assured in yourself and can make an overwhelming situation feel less threatening.

Self-affirmation is such a great tool because it doesn’t require professional guidance or cost any money and can be done at any time, any place. It is so easy and convenient and is something anyone can do–and it’s very effective.

Affirmations for Times of Stress

  • I am peaceful and centered.
  • I choose to respond to situations from a state of peace.
  • I am a positive person and attract positive things into my life.
  • I am capable of overcoming whatever challenges I may face.
  • I embrace change and growth and make the most of today.
  • Now is just one small moment of my whole life–I can get through this moment.
  • I enjoy Now for what it brings and I find peace that this is temporary.
  • I live in the present and embrace Now.
  • I have control of my inner world and that will reflect on my outer world.
  • I speak with self-love and positivity.
  • I believe in my worth and feel grateful for who I am.
  • I don’t need to have everything figured out today.
  • My mental health is important.
  • I accept what I cannot change and can always find something to be grateful for.
  • This is the start of something beautiful.
  • I choose to focus on the good in my life.

Find affirmations for overcoming stress, finding mental clarity, and so much more on the Selfpause app, or use the app to write and record your own affirmations!