Health Starts from Within

I think we can all agree that good health is central to our happiness and well-being. Being healthy means you’re able to live life more fully, have more energy to do the things you love, are less stressed, and are able to find more happiness and enjoyment in life.

Although mind and body are often viewed as separate things, mental and physical health are actually closely related and are equally important components of overall health. Good health really starts from within, beginning with your own thoughts and beliefs toward yourself.

You can show the greatest respect to and gratitude for yourself by making decisions that help, instead of hurt, your body and mind. To strive for the best health you can have, you need to play the long game – making mindful decisions about your health is a marathon, not a sprint.

Changing your thoughts toward yourself can be as easy as starting positive self-talk and practicing self-affirmation. A study published in the US National Library of Medicine shows that self-affirmation interventions can increase health-promoting behaviors. Change the way you view yourself to change the way you treat yourself. When you are affirmed in your values and sense of worth you are more likely to make mindful decisions about your health and to accept and act on health advice.

Your health today is an accumulation of the habits you’ve been practicing for years; it is a manifestation of the way you’ve been treating your body your entire life. Changing your health means changing your lifestyle, and that takes time. The most important investment you can make in your life is you.

Prioritizing your health can look like:

  • Making an effort to be more active and less sedentary throughout the day
  • Exploring variety and balance in your diet – finding nutritious foods that you actually enjoy eating
  • Drinking more water
  • Resting your body when you’re overworked and need a break
  • Finding ways to manage stress (meditating and self-affirmation!)
  • Trying to get 8 hours of sleep every night

Even with all of the information we have about what is good and bad for our bodies and mind, embracing a healthy lifestyle is easier said than done. While it can be hard to let go of old habits and adopt new ones, there is evidence that self-affirming individuals are more ready for making healthy lifestyle changes in response to health-risk information.

If you struggle with making healthful choices, it’s important to not only educate yourself about what a healthy lifestyle looks like, but to also affirm your core beliefs first. Know who you are and what is important to you. Be mindful about the decisions you make and how it will affect your health in the future, and keep reminding yourself why health is important to you! When you know why you are choosing health you will find new motivation to make the changes you need to make in your life.

Check out the Selfpause app to find a variety of affirmations for mindful living and a healthy life, or use the app to write and record your own affirmations and meditations! Help yourself in the future by prioritizing your health today!