How Affirmations can Promote Wealth

Creating the reality you desire is more than just having positive thoughts and believing in yourself. It requires action, including personal goal setting. Once you’ve identified the goals you’d like to achieve, affirmative statements can help you to keep yourself motivated in order to achieve them, especially as you repeat them over and over. Affirmations will help you keep your goals top of mind and remind you to take action with opportunities that bring you closer to accomplishing your goals.

A common goal that many have is to acquire wealth. And while financial freedom is a great goal and you can absolutely create affirmations that support whatever your specific goals are, I also want to stress the importance of having a healthy relationship with money.

“A happy life is a means to the money.”

Abraham Hicks

Abundance and wealth is a state of being. You can choose to be happy despite your circumstances, just as you can choose wealth consciousness no matter how much money you have in your bank account.

“To the extent that you have wealth consciousness inside of you, outside things will enable you to experience wealth or hinder you from experiencing it. This is the same for happiness. To the extent that you have happiness inside of you, outside things will enable you to experience happiness or hinder you from experiencing it.”

David Gikandi

If you’re not in a state of wealth and abundance, then you’re in a state of scarcity. If you believe money is scarce and that you’re poor, you will live in a way that perpetuates that scarcity – it’s a cycle. But if you believe that your life is abundant and you are not lacking, your thoughts, words, and actions follow suit, and those expectations will become reality. You have to believe in yourself. You have to keep your financial goals in your mind and act on them.

“A scarcity-minded person cannot create, cannot express, cannot shine. So shine in the face of scarcity, and scarcity will no longer have power over you.”

Steve Pavlina

In a recent study published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology, which explored the consequences of resource scarcity and how to self-regulate when facing resource scarcity, it was found that one widespread way to reduce the psychological threats that commonly result, is the use of self-affirmations, which was shown to affirm one’s self-efficacy or ability to look at difficulties as challenges rather than threats.

Changing your perceived self-efficacy also helps you understand that your life is not limited or insufficient without money and you have control over your outcomes. You’re not lacking anything; you have everything you need within you already. Abundance comes from within. You can wish for change in your life, have goals and desires, but always believe that you are enough.

“When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.”

Lao Tzu

Visualizing what you affirm to yourself, as it applies personally to your own life, can really magnify the efficiency of using affirmations. When you say something like “I am financially secure and successful”, pause to imagine what that would really look like and feel like in your personal life. What would financial security look like for you? How would you feel? What would you do each day?

Studies in Psychology and Neuroscience have demonstrated that the same exact areas in our brain that activate when we see something also activate when we visualize or imagine the same thing. This suggests that real experiences and vividly imagined experiences are almost indifferentiable to the subconscious mind.

Hold your goals in your mind and imagine your desired outcomes vividly. Be focused and committed to achieving your financial goals and believe that everything you desire is already on its way, because it really is!

“The strongest single factor in prosperity consciousness is self-esteem: believing you deserve it, believing you will get it.”

Jerry Gillies

Find affirmations to inspire good financial habits, change your relationship with money, and so much more on the Selfpause app, or use the app to write and record your own affirmations. And no matter what your personal goals are, please prioritize overall health and wellbeing.