Building Wealth by Affirming an Abundance Mindset

Whether you like it or not, money plays a huge role in society and you can’t live life without it. Even if you are trying to lower your expenses and live a life that isn’t driven by money, some expenses may always be necessary. Because money will always be present in your life, your attitude toward and having a healthy relationship with it is so important.

Prior research has clearly shown that “overindebtedness” is a serious social problem with long term negative consequences, including poorer health, anxiety and decreased well-being, financial stress, family conflict, and divorce. Unfortunately, household indebtedness levels have been rising since the 2008 economic crisis, with households carrying debt close to (and into) retirement.

In a study published just last year (read here), which evaluated how money attitudes impact financial behaviors, analysis indicated that consumers’ money attitude predicted financial behaviors, even when controlling for relevant socioeconomic variables (education, income, age, and gender).

How you perceive money matters. Money has different meanings and serves different purposes for different individuals, leading them to act differently toward it.

What you affirm in your life, you will see. If you continue to claim self-limiting beliefs about money, you will continue to act under this belief. Unfortunately, many poor people stay poor because they repeat the same actions throughout their lives that continue to create scarcity.

One of the most common money beliefs is that there is not enough for everyone. If you believe that there is not a lot of money to go around, then you will treat it differently.

This false and limiting belief that, no matter what you do or what happens, you’re not going to have enough money, is a good example of the zero-sum bias. This bias causes people to wrongly view certain situations as being zero-sum, believing that one’s gains are directly balanced by other’s’ losses; for example, thinking that there is competition for a resource that they feel is limited (such as money), which then causes other false judgements and poor decisions.

Stop being a victim of circumstances, and start being a maker of your future. Develop an abundance mindset–you can achieve anything you set your mind on and work to achieve.

Beliefs to affirm that will help you develop a more abundant mindset:

  1. Money is abundant.
  2. I am worthy of wealth.
  3. Money can be a tool to invest in something positive.
  4. I have the ability to increase my wealth.
  5. Money wants to grow and work for me, and it does so on its own when it is put in the right places.
  6. I am learning more every day about how money works.
  7. Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it does allow me to create lasting experiences.
  8. I can build wealth, and give permission to myself to succeed.
  9. If I spend less than I earn, invest my savings, and continue to educate myself, then I can multiply my money.
  10. I can make money and follow my passion–There are many ways to monetize anything if you look for the opportunity.
  11. I can start where I’m at and learn as I go.
  12. I can control my unnecessary spending so I can channel that money more effectively.

Find affirmations to inspire good financial habits, change your relationship with money, and so much more on the Selfpause app, or use the app to write and record your own affirmations!