3 Subconscious Mindset Shifters

Oftentimes it can be easy to think of areas in our life that we are dissatisfied with. When this happens, whether intentionally or unintentionally, we have 2 choices:

1. We can allow it to let us spiral into a low vibrational state and feel anxious, depressed and lost.

2. We can validate our feelings but still choose to move forward with faith and a positive perspective on our life. 

The goal is to pick the second option – though this is typically easier said than done. The best way to avoid this challenge is to create a deep sense of awareness of our environments and our attitudes. Today I wanted to focus on a few preemptive steps we can take to help us remain in a positive state and to avoid falling into a negative mindset in the first place. 

Only consume positive content

Our minds are sponges and everything that we give attention to on a daily basis goes straight to our subconscious minds. By surrounding ourselves with positive and uplifting content, we can positively impact our mood, our thoughts and our behavior.

Cut out all negativity

The effects from the first step will be multiplied if you also make an effort to remove negative influences from your day. Specifically look at ways to cut out negative self-talk, negative friends, negative music, negative movies and anywhere else that you consume content that could be negative – even if it’s unintentional. Sometimes it can be difficult to stop listening to a favorite musician, watching a favorite show or spending time with certain people, but the light it will bring into your life will be worth it. 

One of the powerful practices to start is to dedicate 5 minutes or more each day to self-reflection. During this time, think of all the things around you that you are grateful for. Some people meditate, some people pray, some people say affirmations – whatever works best for you – but focus on reflecting on all the positive things that are in your life.

Remember that feeling a certain way is not intrinsically “good” or “bad”. Acknowledging and accepting our feelings is a healthy part of our journey, that allows us to reflect on what makes us happy and what does not. Our goal should be to recognize and acknowledge our feelings while also having faith that blessings and abundance are all around us. Our goals are attainable and we are always deserving of love and happiness.

Welcome to the Selfpause family. We are honored to be a small part of your affirmation journey!