Everyone could use some more motivation to start the day. Today we compiled a list of our 20 favorite law of attraction quotes to help you start your day right and help you attract good things into your life!

“Don’t waste time finding yourself. Create yourself.”
Take time to write down your goals and use positive affirmations to remind yourself of them each day!

“All of the money that I spend comes back to me multiplied.”
– @PositiveVibesQuotes on Instagram
As you spend your money wisely on things that build you up as a person, you will find your money will grow exponentially.

“Never underestimate the importance of having someone in your life who makes you want to be a better person.”
These kind of people are irreplaceable!

“The happier you are the more beautiful you become.”
This is real life truth. I’ve seen it!

“You are not reading this by accident. This is confirmation that everything is going to be alright. God is making a way for you right now.”
Trust His plan. You’re going to make it!

“Stay focused. The worst time to quit on yourself is right now. I know you’re tired but stay focused.”
This is your sign to NOT quit. Don’t forget about that story of a man who stopped mining RIGHT before hitting $millions worth of diamonds. Keep going!

“The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to forget is the happiest.”
Wisdom at it’s finest. Choose to forgive someone today. <3

“I vow never to look back unless it’s to see how far I’ve come.”
Never forget how far you’ve come. The paths you’ve struggled through made you who you are today.

“Staying positive doesn’t mean you have to be happy all the time. It means that on hard days you know that there are better ones coming.”
Trust there are better days coming. Because there really are.

I find it’s also important to help other’s fill their cup with positivity, joy and love. Goodness is so abundant in the world it is free to give and receive.

“The most powerful thing that you can be in this moment is patient, especially while things are unfolding.”
– @PositiveVibesQuotes on Instagram
Patience is Power. Choose control.

“Eventually all things fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moments, and know everything is happening for a reason.”
Everything happens for a reason 😭 ❤️

“Imagine waking up next to the person you love every morning.”
Believe in true love. It’s really real 💙

“You will be the first multi-millionaire in your family.”
Money is coming your way. Just trust the process and keep your heart open to opportunity.

“I don’t chase I attract. What belongs to me will find me.”
– @PositiveVibesQuotes on Instagram
Everything you are waiting for will come to you. Just watch.

“You don’t gain anything from stressing out. Remember that.”
– @PositiveVibesQuotes on Instagram
Breathe. You always have the power to stay in control. You can do this.

“People will throw stones at you. Don’t throw them back. Collect them all and build yourself an empire.”
– @PositiveVibesQuotes on Instagram
Stay confident in yourself. You are meant to do incredible things. Other’s opinions don’t change that!

“The purpose of being single is to discover yourself so deeply that you don’t loose yourself when you find the one.”
– @PositiveVibesQuotes on Instagram
To find true love, you first have to love yourself. Find who you are and love yourself unconditionally. Then you will know how to love someone else deeper.

“What is coming is better than what is gone.”
The best really is yet to come.

“If you ask the universe for a sign, believe what sows up.”
– @PositiveVibesQuotes on Instagram
If you’re brave enough to ask for something, be brave enough to believe you’ve received it.