Self Assurance is a personal quality and can be cultivated or developed. It gives you a sense of control and helps you take risks. Some people are born with confidence, some can learn how to develop it and some people just don’t have enough of it to start with. In either case, boosting your self-assurance can have significant benefits for your life and career.

It helps you make fast decisions

Self assurance is a critical skill that will help you make fast decisions. Although it’s important to make sound decisions, many people struggle with making decisions. Some people have trouble with major decisions, such as buying a new laptop, while others struggle with the most simple decisions like what to eat for lunch.

Self assurance comes from a sense of self. The first step to developing this talent is to practice making decisions. If you feel confident and secure in your ability to make fast decisions, you can become more effective in your work. Self-assurance means having a strong inner compass and bouncing back when you feel unsure.

It helps you build world-class teams

Building a world-class team involves inspiring confidence in the members of your team. Those members who are confident in themselves often feel more confident in their own abilities and take risks without hesitation. They are more likely to act as team leaders and generalize their responsibilities and contributions to the success of the team.