How to Change your Mindset to Last Longer in Bed

If you (or both of you) aren’t walking away satisfied, that’s a problem. Luckily, it’s one that can (easily!) be addressed: Here’s exactly what you can do to help your partner last longer in bed, so you can both reach the finish line.

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If you want to improve your sex life, start by working on your mindset. Robert Glover talks about how some men focus on the woman they’re with and forget about the pleasure of sex. Focusing on your physical performance instead of the woman will allow you to last longer in bed.

Fixing your mentality

One of the best ways to last longer in bed is by talking to your partner during sex. By talking, you’ll be able to engage in a deeper sexual connection with your partner and increase your intimacy. In bed, men tend to contract their bodies during arousal. By focusing on the goal of lasting longer, men often amplify these contractions.

Fixing your mentality to last longer in the bedroom begins with examining your feelings about sex. Are you enjoying the experience? Is your partner having as much pleasure as you are? Are you trying to help your partner reach orgasm? If you’re not enjoying sex, you might be trying to force it.

Having a conversation before going into sex

Having a conversation before going into a sexual encounter can help you and your partner build trust and make the experience more pleasurable. This type of conversation will also help you set boundaries and avoid sexual harm. Before you begin sex, think about the types of topics you’d like to discuss. This way, you can relax and be in the moment before the big event. Here are some ideas for the topics to discuss:

First, you can talk about how long you want to have sex. Different people have different ideas about how long sex should last. Make sure that you have a clear understanding of what you are after, whether you want to last an extra ten minutes or an all-night bang session.

You can also talk about your feelings, fears, and hopes. This will increase the quality of the experience and help you explore your partner better. In a study, couples who talk about sex had better sex. This is probably because they’re more emotionally connected and more satisfied with their partner. In addition, the way they communicate with each other also affects their physical intimacy.

Keeping tabs on your own excitement levels

Keeping track of your own arousal level is crucial for staying in control of sex. By controlling your own excitement levels, you can give your partner more pleasure during sex and avoid early ejaculation. To do this, focus on staying relaxed, playful, and out of your partner’s head. Shifting your focus can help slow your pace and decrease your arousal.

Getting support from your partner

Getting support from your partner can help you last longer in bed. If you’re having trouble with premature ejaculation, it’s best to talk to your partner about it. There are a variety of sexual techniques and medications available to help you last longer in bed. A sex therapist can also provide assistance with this issue.

The key is to avoid any kind of argument, which may make you both feel stressed out. Try not to make your partner feel frustrated with you and lash out. Using these tactics will help you focus on sexual acts that bring you pleasure. When you’re both happy, you’ll be less worried about the duration of sex.

Using cock rings

If you are having trouble keeping an erection, cock rings may be a great solution. The rings work by slowing the flow of blood back into an erect penis, which allows it to stay hard longer. However, it is important to remember that the ring should not cause pain or numbness. Also, it should be snug enough that it does not hinder circulation. It is best to put the ring on when the penis is still flaccid or semi-erect, rather than waiting until it is fully erect. Also, you should use lubricant before putting it on, which will help you reach the area more easily.

Cock rings are sometimes used alongside vacuum erectile devices to help men maintain their erections. They work by applying pressure to the base of the penis, which traps blood inside the erect penis for longer. This helps men maintain an erection, which is an important part of sexual intercourse.

Cock rings also contain tiny vibrating devices that help stimulate the penis and enhance the sensation of sex. These can help improve the duration and quality of your erections and make sex more pleasurable for both partners. Some of these cock rings can be placed around the base of the penis, while others are worn on both testicles.

Using penis extenders

Using penis extenders can increase a man’s size, giving him a more opulent look. However, it can also be painful and can cause discomfort. While you may be concerned about the size of your penis, it’s important to remember that sex is more than size, and you should always encourage what feels good.

Penis extenders work by increasing the length and thickness of your penis. They also help your penis reach a firmer erection, provide deeper penetration, and increase the size of your orgasm. These devices are legal and made from quality materials. They’re a great solution for men who have a small penis or a high penile curvature.

Penis extenders can also help with the effects of Peyronie’s disease, which causes the penis to be curvy. The disease occurs when hard plaques form on the erectile tissue. By stretching the plaque, it may release local factors that decrease the curvature and improve function. However, there are no conclusive studies to support this claim.

Before purchasing penis extenders, it’s important to make sure your penis fits the device. Ensure that it fits properly and that it doesn’t interfere with penetration. Some of these devices are easy to put on and take off.

Using yoga

If you’ve ever wished that you could last longer in bed, you’re not alone. There are many ways to improve your sexual function and improve your sexual experience. Yoga can help you achieve this by increasing your strength and flexibility. It also helps to reduce stress and anxiety. Some yoga poses target specific muscles, including those in the pelvic area and pelvic floor.

The cat-cow pose is a common starting pose for this purpose. This pose works to warm the body and flex the backbone, which can help you maintain a firm base during intercourse. The cat-cow pose also relaxes your neck muscles and opens your pelvic floor, which can improve your ability to stay in certain positions for longer.

Practicing pigeon pose is another great way to loosen up tight hips. This position will also help to increase your overall body awareness. You should perform this pose with hands and knees and keep your right knee behind your right wrist. You should feel your right shin resting on the mat at a 45-degree angle. You can also practice pigeon pose by standing in a similar position.

Our Top FAQ's

Some practical ways to change your mindset and improve your performance in bed include focusing on the present moment, practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation, and setting realistic goals for yourself. It can also be helpful to talk openly and honestly with your partner about your concerns and work together to find solutions.

To overcome negative thoughts and beliefs that may be impacting your ability to last longer in bed, it can be helpful to challenge these thoughts and replace them with more realistic or positive ones. For example, if you have the belief that you are not good enough or that you will never be able to last longer in bed, you can try to reframe these thoughts by reminding yourself of your positive qualities and past successes, and focusing on the progress you are making.


Some common mental blocks or obstacles that can prevent people from lasting longer in bed include performance anxiety, stress, and negative beliefs about their abilities or worth. To overcome these obstacles, it can be helpful to practice relaxation techniques, communicate openly and honestly with your partner, and seek support from a therapist or counselor if needed.

Yes, seeking help from a therapist or counselor can be beneficial in changing your mindset and improving your performance in bed. A therapist or counselor can help you identify and address any underlying mental health issues or emotional challenges that may be contributing to your performance concerns, and provide you with strategies and support to overcome these challenges and improve your sexual well-being.

Self-confidence and self-esteem play a significant role in lasting longer in bed, as they can impact your ability to relax and perform at your best. If you have low self-confidence or self-esteem, it can be difficult to let go of your worries and insecurities, and this can lead to performance anxiety and other challenges. To improve your self-confidence and self-esteem, it can be helpful to focus on your strengths and accomplishments, practice self-care, and seek support from a therapist or counselor if needed.