Meditation Instruments

Learn about the power of meditation instruments and how to use them.

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Meditation instruments can help you achieve a deeper state of relaxation. These instruments can help you relax by affecting the brain’s wave frequencies, slowing them down, and helping you relax your body and mind. Once you reach a state of trance, your conscious mind begins to let go of conditioning and negative thought patterns.



Handpans are used as meditation instruments and have a variety of therapeutic properties. They can induce a trance-like state when played intuitively and can activate both the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Playing the handspan is also said to protect the brain from dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Whether you are a beginner or an advanced musician, handspan can transform your practice. They are not cheap, but the benefits are many. The music they produce is a unique experience and will transform your musicianship into meditation. The instrument also has a fascinating history.

Tibetan singing bowls

Tibetan singing bowls

Tibetan singing bowls have been used for thousands of years. They originated in Tibet and are made of an alloy of metals. They have been used in the Far East for healing and regeneration. The instruments were first discovered by spiritual travelers in the Himalayas. Then they came to Europe and the USA.

Studies have shown that the sound produced by Tibetan singing bowls can help to lower blood pressure and have positive effects on mental health. The sounds from the bowls can help to increase the benefits of deep breathing and meditation. They can also help to enhance the benefits of meditation, including stress relief.



The kalimba is a meditation instrument. The notes on a kalimba can vary in pitch, making the instrument a versatile tool for meditation. Whether you play it in the classical or contemporary style, you can derive music from a variety of sources. If you’re interested in learning how to play the kalimba, here are a few tips:

First, the instrument is easy to play. Even though the instrument’s notes are not shaped like a musical instrument, it is surprisingly easy to play them. The resulting sound is soothing, making the kalimba a popular choice for meditation. In addition, the kalimba has a fixed tuning, so it is easier to play than, say, a string instrument.

Hammered dulcimer

Hammered dulcimer

The Hammered Dulcimer has unique tonal qualities that induce a state of relaxation in both the player and the listener. In addition to its soothing sounds, the instrument is often used for sound healing, which can have a powerful effect on the physical and mental health of a listener.

Many musicians who use the instrument for meditation have found that it helps them to clear their minds and achieve a sense of peace. A hammered dulcimer is one of the most beautiful-sounding instruments around. It has a rich, majestic sound that can be mastered right from the first practice. While hammered dulcimers can be expensive, they are easy to make and come in a wide variety of sizes.

Our Top FAQ's

Some common instruments used in meditation practices include bells, singing bowls, gongs, drums, flutes, and chimes. These instruments are often used to create a calming and soothing atmosphere, and can be played at the beginning or end of a meditation session, or during the session as a way to focus the mind.

Instruments can be used to enhance meditation practices by providing a focal point for the mind, and by helping to create a relaxing and calming atmosphere. Some people find that listening to music or the sound of an instrument helps them to relax and enter into a meditative state more easily.

For beginners to meditation, it may be helpful to start with a simple instrument, such as a bell or singing bowl. These instruments can be played with minimal effort, and can be used to signal the start and end of a meditation session.

Certain instruments, such as gongs and drums, can be used to induce a state of relaxation or meditation. The sound waves created by these instruments can help to calm the mind and body, and can be used as a form of sound therapy.

When using instruments in meditation, it is important to follow any instructions provided by the manufacturer and to use the instrument in a safe and responsible manner. It is also important to be mindful of any potential noise concerns, especially if meditating in a shared space or in a public place.