Stages of Manifestation
We’ll learn about the stages of manifestation, how to transcend your level of consciousness so that when you raise your vibration, you create what you want easier than ever.

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So at this point you might be wondering, what exactly are manifestations and what are the following stages?
Manifestations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself either out loud or in your head. They can be about anything – from your career goals to your personal relationships. The goal of manifestation is to help you achieve your desired outcome by changing the way you think and feel about yourself and your situation.
Sounds pretty simple, right? But don’t underestimate the power of these positive statements.
Science shows that manifestation can help to increase self-confidence, reduce stress, and improve performance. So if you’re ready to start seeing some positive changes in your life, read on to learn more about the stages of manifestation.
What are the different stages of manifestation?

Fear, Resistance, and Failure are Central to your Success
It may sound counter-intuitive, but fear, resistance, and failure are central to your success as an entrepreneur! In fact, if you can embrace these feelings and actions, then you may be on the verge of a business breakthrough and a spiritual one, too. Let’s face it, all entrepreneurs, no matter how successful they are, hit a rough patch now and then. This is something I like to call the “dark night-of-the-business-soul.” Believe me, I know because I’ve been there myself (more than once!)
Does this sound at all familiar?
You’re procrastinating big tasks that are central to your success; you’re spending a lot of time networking, but have too few clients to show for it (you’re having trouble “selling”
yourself); your head and heart are often in conflict; and most importantly, you are just not having fun anymore. If you said yes to any of these, then you are likely suffering
from “dark nights.”
I’ve seen so many people struggling recently with these “dark nights” –believe me, you are not alone. So how do you get past them? It’s all about starting from the inside out and defining what it is that you really want to do. It’s about finding the clarity you need to define your business strategy and “leapfrog” forward.
The 7 Gifts That Give You Everything

Nothing enters into this world except through the process of giving. If we don’t give, there can’t be more. If you want more to come into your life, you must let more life come out of you! You are a divine power plant, and a power plant doesn’t receive energy, it generates it. Even the word human comes from a Sanskrit term for ‘man’ that means ‘The Dispenser of Divine Gifts.’
That’s who you are, that’s why you came here you really are God’s gift to this world! But there are many forms of giving. And you must engage all of them to fully activate theGenerator in that divine power plant and create unlimited abundance in your experience.
The 7 Gifts of the Divine DispenserGiving Forth:
Share your time, talent, and treasure
Giving Away:
Circulate what you no longer need/use
Giving Up:
Release habits, criticism, complaints, judgment
Giving In:
Let go of resistance, surrender to what’s emerging
Free yourself and others from emotional debt
Giving to Yourself:
Give you what you seek from others
Giving Thanks:
What you appreciate, appreciate
Steps on How to Achieve Successful Manifestation

Get into position.
Start out in whatever position is comfortable for you, in a chair or on the floor. Take a few minutes to slow down and observe your breath.
Know your purpose.
Plan in advance. Be prepared with the object that you want to ponder.
Analyze the topic.
Talk to yourself silently. Reflect on what your object of meditation means to you, how it affects the quality or success of your business, and whatever feelings it evokes.
Place your mind on your feelings.
Once your feelings are vivid, stop and focus your mind on that sensation. Hold it for as long as possible.
Bring yourself back.
Other thoughts will arise. When you catch yourself wondering if that proposal got done by your sales manager, release that thought and go back to your original object.
Progress incrementally.
Five minutes of high-quality meditation beats a half hour of worry or lolling around. Start out with sessions of a few minutes and add a few more minutes each day. Work your way up to twenty minutes a day or any interval that you feel comfortable with.
Stay in balance.
Try to find the point where you feel relaxed and focused. Avoid the extremes of struggling to suppress distracting thoughts or letting your mind roam free.
Save distracting thoughts for later.
Some of those extraneous thoughts may be interesting. Take note of them and put them aside for another time. You may even want to keep
a pencil and writing pad nearby so you’ll feel confident that you’ll get back to them after your
the session is over.
Give yourself a homework assignment.
Apply what you learn to your business. End your session by coming up with one concrete action relevant to your object. If you meditated on patience with a staff member, for example, you could have a conversation with him where you deliberately come from a place of patience and compassion that leaves you both feeling empowered in the end.
Manifestation is a powerful tool for running a more successful business as well as a happier, more meaningful life.
The effort you put into developing an object of meditation will pay off for you in extraordinary ways! Try it. I think you’ll like it!
Steps on How to Enjoy Success and Happiness by Learning to Develop an Object of Manifestation

Give Yourself Credit
Often, instead of giving ourselves credit, we look for validation outside. We want it from our
clients, parents, teachers, spouses, and even our children. We feel like they don’t appreciate us. Isay it’s time we learn to acknowledge ourselves. Whenever you are looking for outside validation,
take it as an opportunity to give it to yourself instead. Whatever you wish “they” were saying, say to yourself! Just think, you can tell yourself… good job, you are brilliant, I would hire you in an instant and pay you lots of money! Wouldn’t it be powerful to give ourselves the validation we seek outside? Hey, we talk to ourselves all the time, but often they are not loving, validating thoughts. It’s a skill we already have, and it’s time we use it for good and not evil! All the time we have spent seeking validation, praise, acknowledgment, or love from outside, it has been within us waiting to be tapped. It is inside you in abundance just longing to be accessed. What would it feel like to tap into that power? And if you are a caregiver (i.e. parent, coach, healer, teacher) you are accustomed to doing this for other people, so you have an even deeper well to access because you already have the words. Those words are often for other people, but it is time to use them for yourself.
Filling Yourself Up
Now when you are looking for this from others, know this is a sign you are feeling empty and it’s
time to fill yourself up. Take it as a sign to do self-care, to take time to celebrate, to take time to ask yourself why you are so great.
Maintain your Positive Attitude
Your feelings are a powerful gauge for vibrational frequency and a direct indicator of your alignment with source energy. Basically, the better you feel, the higher your vibration, which leads to better alignment with your source (God, spirit, universal energy … you know what I mean) and better connection with your path and mission. You can think of it as a gas tank that fuels your alignment. When your thoughts feel good, your alignment gauge is on full, giving you a maximum allowance of connection with source energy. When they don’t feel good, you’re on empty, in resistance and disallowing your alignment. That means you don’t move forward because you’re not open to receiving support.
The universe can’t support you when your vibration is too low to let it in.
Do something that feels good.
Dance, sing, walk your dog, journal, hug a friend,
connect with nature … do something that makes you
Quiet your thoughts.
You can meditate, take some deep breaths, practice yoga, and nap. Allow yourself to reboot and recharge.
Focus on your negative thoughts & deliberately shift them.
Make peace with your worst-case scenario and change the way you feel about it.
Rely on your current resources.
What past training materials could you return for a refresher? Maybe you need to be your own client for a while? What people in your network provide a service that might help you?
Visualize something that feels better.
Your outlook
Remember back in school how different personalities emerged and distinguished themselves? Every school had characters such as the nerd, the rocker, the jock, the babe, and the brain. Yet the one we tend to remember most fondly is the clown. We all noticed the clown because he made us laugh. He connected with everyone through his humor; by making everything funny. The clown could make the most ordinary situation, the greatest circumstance, and the blandest personality absolutely hysterical. During the darkest moments, his quips broke the tension and lightened the mood. Humor was his focus, his outlook, his forte. His wit was what distinguished him and how he connected. Great networkers also have a special outlook. Like the clown who instinctively looks for humor, networkers are programmed to connect with people. Great networkers constantly try to meet new people, learn all about them, and link them so that they can build close, mutually-beneficial relationships.
Keep these in mind as you work on manifesting your desires. Remember that it all starts with desire. If you can focus on what you want and maintain a strong belief, you will be well on your way to achieving your goals.
Our Top FAQ's
The stages of manifestation typically include the following steps: setting an intention or desire, taking action towards manifesting the desire, allowing and trusting the universe to manifest the desire, and receiving and acknowledging the manifestation.
To effectively use the stages of manifestation, it is important to clearly define your intention or desire, take aligned action towards manifesting it, let go of any resistance or limiting beliefs, and remain open and receptive to the manifestation.
Common pitfalls during the manifestation process can include doubting the possibility of manifesting the desire, focusing on lack or limitations, and becoming attached to a specific outcome.
The stages of manifestation can be applied to manifesting both material and non-material things, such as a new job, a fulfilling relationship, or inner peace and happiness.
The principles of the law of attraction state that like attracts like, so focusing on positive thoughts and emotions can attract positive experiences and manifestations into your life. The stages of manifestation can be seen as a process for aligning your thoughts, actions, and energy with your desired outcome in order to manifest it.