Manifestation Through Yoga

In this article we’ll learn why practicing yoga can help you and the ways to manifest through your yoga practice.

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All of us have the power to make our greatest dreams come true. Making any dreams and desires come true is entirely achievable, according to the law of attraction, which is often referred to as “manifestation.” You’ll be well on your way to creating the life of your dreams in no time with a little bit of journaling to communicate your objectives, a lot of faith in the universe, and a few yoga positions for manifestation.

At first sight, manifesting your dreams could appear difficult, out of reach, or even a little bit mystical. But regardless of who you are or what you want to achieve in life, it is actually within your grasp. Just gather the necessary equipment to get things started.

Now, yoga. The universe resides inside each and every one of us, and this ancient practice demonstrates how everyone of us has the potential to strengthen ourselves by taking deep breaths, making strong motions, and thinking firmly in our core.

You’ll start to feel certain in the conviction that everything is achievable with a little assistance from a regular yoga and mindfulness practice. Your entire life will change as a result of the power of your own ideas, and you’ll come to understand that you have the capacity to awaken the manifestation skills that are ingrained in you.

When you’re working to realize your most ardent aspirations, try moving through these seven potent positions.

What is Yoga?

Yoga is an old Indian discipline that encompasses both the thoughts and the body. The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit root “yuj,” which means “to yoke” or “to unite.” So, in a nutshell, yoga is all about union: uniting the body and brain, or the atman (self) with the paramatman (the cosmic soul).

Yoga isn’t just a physical practice, although the asanas (yoga poses) are an important part of it. In order to realize the deeper objectives of yoga, one must also engage in pranayama (breath work), dhyana (meditation), and tapas (self-discipline). It’s only through a holistic approach that the real rewards of yoga can be reaped.

Yoga has long been celebrated for its ability to heal the body and calm the mind. In recent years, science has begun to back up these claims. Studies have shown that yoga can help to improve everything from flexibility and balance to cardiovascular health and immunity.

But yoga’s benefits don’t stop there. The practice can also foster feelings of happiness, connectedness, and peace. In other words, it’s the perfect tool for manifesting your dreams!

How Does Yoga Help with Manifestation?

The key to successful manifestation is communicating your desires to the universe loud and clear. But often, our own minds can get in the way. We might doubt our abilities or worry that we’re not worthy of our goals. This negative self-talk can sabotage our efforts before we even get started.

That’s where yoga comes in. The asanas, pranayama, and meditation techniques taught in yoga can help to still the mind and open up a clear channel for communication with the universe. When you’re able to quiet your inner critic and tap into your true desires, manifestation becomes much easier.

Not only that, but the physical act of moving your body and taking deep breaths can also help to increase feelings of happiness and well-being. And when you’re feeling good, you’re much more likely to attract good things into your life!

The 8 Limbs of Yoga

There are eight limbs of yoga identified in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, which were written over 2,000 years ago and remain the bedrock text for all yogis today. They are:

1. Yama: The “moral disciplines,” which include ahimsa (non-harming), satya (truthfulness), asteya (non-stealing), brahmacharya (continence or sexual restraint), and aparigraha (non-possessiveness).

2. Niyama: The “personal disciplines,” which include Saucha (cleanliness), Samtosa (contentment), Tapas (self-discipline or austerity), Svadhyaya (self-study) and Ishvara Pranidhana (surrender to God, the higher power, or the true self).

3. Asana: Physical postures or yoga poses.

4. Pranayama: Breath control

5. Pratyahara: Withdrawal of the senses

6. Dharana: Concentration

7. Dhyana: Meditation

8. Samadhi: Ecstasy, Unity consciousness or enlightenment

10 Powerful Poses in Manifesting Through Yoga

Easy Pose (Sukhasana)

Sukhasana is a beautiful position for introspective thought about your goals and motivations.

Despite the fact that everyone may materialize, don’t be misled into believing it will be simple. Hard effort and devotion are required throughout the process, which is frequently what is required to realize your aspirations.

As you settle yourself into an easy stance, think about pulling out a journal and listing all the things you want to manifest. Consider writing it in the present tense, as though it is actually occurring. This will increase the likelihood of you achieving your goals and open up new doors for you.

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

Cobra pose is a strong and deep backbend that lets the body to accept the potential of good, significant transformation while opening the heart to all emotions.

Bhujangasana is such a daring asana, claims Yoga Outlet, that it activates Kundalini. In yoga, kundalini is the holy, cosmic force that awakens enlightenment inside you.

When you’re in the middle of manifestation, this is the ideal energy to call upon. Relax your lower back and sacrum, and roll your shoulders away from your ears. Allow the kundalini to surround you and direct the cobra’s curves.

Reverse Warrior (Viparita Virabhadrasana)

Bring your hips forward while simultaneously leaning back into the broad and tranquil viparita virabhadrasana, using your breath as a guide.

All of the warrior postures in yoga serve as a reminder to find your inner power while still preserving balance and tenderness in your daily life and physical practice.

Allow your dreams to resurface as you turn your attention to your raised fingertips, letting them reverberate through your brain’s neural connections and seep confidently into your veins.

Revolved Side-Angle Pose (Parivrtta Parsvakonasana)

Parivrtta parsvakonasana will be a valuable addition to your yoga practice for manifesting since it allows you to access the innermost source of your strength. As you achieve stability and peace, let this stance lead you toward self-assurance and sureness.

In order to maintain evenness and calm throughout all of your motions, turn your body in a clockwise direction beginning at the navel.

Boat Pose (Navasana)

Navasana may be a little unpleasant, as is the case with all abdominal exercises. However, a strong core means you are secure in all of your beliefs and desires, therefore boat posture is a really beneficial supplement to achieving your goals.

Draw your belly button toward your spine while taking a deep breath to activate your uddiyana bandha, or upward abdominal lock. Lift your chest to open the area around your heart as you gently exhale out of your lips.

Locust Pose (Salabhasana)

Another aspect of remaining strong and motivated in your manifestation practice is to ensure that your spine is robust and unaffected by difficulties. A wonderful sensation of counterweight to your backbend postures is provided by locust position, which will strengthen the back of your torso.

In order to avoid any tension when performing salabhasana, keep the back of your neck long. Return to your objective or dream after concentrating on your breathing. Release the asana with an exhalation and take a well-earned break.

Handstand (Adho Mukha Vrksasana)

You may incorporate the joyful and energizing handstand stance into your practice to serve as a constant reminder to never take anything too seriously.

Inversions encourage a childish spirit and vitality into a yoga practice while also calming the ego and practically bringing you back to earth as you tumble.

Adho mukha vrksasana may be a fun and relaxing posture to practice, and if you slip up, you’ll always have another chance to master it. Similar to this, if you don’t succeed in realizing your ambitions right away, a little perseverance and consistency may go a very long way.

Asana (Posture)

Postures in yoga help to prepare the body for meditation; but not only that, they help open up the chakras (energy wheels along the subtle spine), allowing for the Prana to flow. And when the energy centers are open in the body, the mind and body unite to move into the direction of becoming clearer in thought, which allows for manifestation.


Yantra is the Sanskrit word for a mystical diagram, which supposedly possesses occult powers and astrological or magical benefits in the Tantra tradition. By staring at the mystical diagram, you come into a deeply relaxed state where what you’d like to manifest can materialize.

Yoga Nidra

To meditate properly, you must sit upright, straight spine, legs folded or on the knees for the prana to flow up the subtle spine (also known as the Shushumna). 

You can also listen to a guided meditation. This helps to focus on what you would like to envision to manifest. Another form of meditation that’s equally powerful is Yoga Nidra.

It’s the union of conscious sleep, guided by a teacher after setting an intention. It touches on all the koshas, or spiritual layers in yoga: the food or material body (Annamaya kosha), the vital energy body (Pranamaya kosha), the mental body (Manomaya kosha), the intuitive body (Vijnanamaya kosha), and the transcendental or blissful body (Anandamaya kosha).

There are so many paths in Yoga to manifest. Follow your heart with yoga and go where you feel is the way and all is coming…

By now, you should have a good understanding of what manifestation is and how you can start using it in your own life. The most important thing to remember is that you need to be clear about what it is that you want to manifest, and then take consistent action steps towards making it happen.

If you want to learn more about manifestation and how to create the life of your dreams, be sure to check out my other articles on the topic. And if you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below – I’d love to hear from you!

Our Top FAQ's

Practicing yoga can contribute to manifestation by helping individuals cultivate a positive mindset and focus on their desired outcomes. The physical and mental discipline of yoga can also help individuals release negative thoughts and emotions that may be hindering their ability to manifest their desired outcomes.

Certain yoga poses and techniques may be effective in manifesting specific desires. For example, some poses and techniques may be particularly helpful for manifesting abundance or prosperity, while others may be better suited for manifesting personal growth or increased self-confidence.


Manifestation through yoga can potentially be used to achieve goals beyond physical health and wellness. The principles of manifestation can be applied to a wide range of areas, including personal relationships, career success, and spiritual growth.

Mindfulness and meditation play an important role in manifestation through yoga. By bringing focus and clarity to the present moment, mindfulness and meditation can help individuals let go of negative thoughts and emotions and more easily connect with their desired outcomes.

Manifestation through yoga can be practiced by people of all religious beliefs, as it is not tied to any specific spiritual perspective. The principles of manifestation can be applied by individuals regardless of their spiritual beliefs or practices.