Manifestation of Prayer

Want to manifest miracles every day? Read this article to know the power of prayers in manifestation  and to raise your vibration and receive loving guidance from God (the Universe).

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I believe many of us would like to know how to get a manifestation of the prayer. How the Word of God would reveal to us about devotion, as we are reading His Word, seeking His face. 

The relationship with the Word is very significant, more than anything else.  Having a powerful desire for the Word would develop into a very vital part of spiritual growth.  The Holy Spirit will bring understanding to us; we spend time in His presence. Then we receive the fulness of His love toward us.  We can recognize that the Lord Jesus hears our prayer, and we will experience His Word by speaking and preaching His promise to ourselves. Basically, the meaning of the Word signifies in the Bible: revealing God’s power in creation. 

About Prayer: 

In the Bible, God has established a relationship between man and Himself through praying and studying the Word of God. Many people have asked me questions about how they can find God through prayer. 

For example, they ask, “Who is God? How can we find Him? Does God exist?”  Many questions will be answered in this book; I will explain them from topic to topic. Let’s look at how God made a connection possible for us as we may go into His presence through His Son. 

God has designed many forms of prayer to have a relationship with Him in unique ways: 

•The prayer of thanksgiving would come along with praise and worship. 

•The prayer of faith carries out a petition to ask God with a unique outcome. 

•The prayer of agreement brings two or three come together in one accord. 

•The prayer of intercession is standing in the gap on behalf of someone else.  

•The prayer of consecration is making a dedication to the work of the Lord.

We will discover more of Him through the Word of God. He has created a prayer to have a living relationship with us. He is our loving God, as we know God is spirit. So, God wants to have a relationship with us in the spirit. God has created humans in the spirit, and prayer can make a connection between a man and God. 

The Bible says that a human in the spirit must worship God in the spirit and truth. Humans have three parts, body, soul, and spirit. The spirit of man comes from the One true God. Man cannot survive without the spirit of God.  After the fall of man, he fell into sinful life and death in the spirit of man. God is love and had compassion over His creation and brought him back into a relationship with Him. The human can have contact with His creator again. He gave His Son to die on the cross for the entire world. God gave His love to make intimacy with man through His Son. There is only one way to have an everlasting life with God through Jesus by faith. 

Revealing His Leadership: 

We shall confess our faith and confidence in His leadership. The Holy Spirit will lead us into the spiritual understanding of God’s greatness. We see His Glory. He is showing His plan and guidance. Then we live by God’s will. He is pouring down His love toward us. Every heavenly blessing shall come down upon us by our persistent prayer. Well, prayer is a powerful relationship with God, who existed before the foundation of the world. No one has ever seen Him with physical eyes. Even no one can see Him in our daily life. God is the Spirit, but we can see Him through spiritual eyes. As we believe in the doctrine of the Trinity. The One true God exists in three Persons. He has three names: 

•God the Father, the Creator 

•God the Son, the Savior 

•God the Holy Spirit, teacher, guider, comforter, and helper. 

His Word is here in our hearts to manifest His authority. We’re believing and declaring His name. Claiming His Word is encouraging us to build up our faith to higher levels of maturity. Understanding a manifestation of the Word, and His answer to our prayer is on the way. The secret of worship is to love Him and adore Him. We must acknowledge Him in a bad or good time because He loves us very much. When we follow God’s desire to see His manifestation in prayer. He is ready to show us that He has so many wonders for us. He brings miracles to surprise us. He is a miraculous God. He performs signs and wonders in His churches and for His children—those who need Him. Sometimes, we yearn to call upon Him for more of His revelations. We offer our hearts to Him for serving Him, and we will receive better phenomena revelation day by day. 

Rely on His Word: 

It is very important to rely on His Word and depend on the leadership of the Holy Spirit. But we have some issues of trust; we see some Christians have a weakness in their trust in the Lord. When we commit ourselves to spend our time in His presence, then we know howto depend on Him. We experience seeing some have trusted many people and even their parents. But those people have failed them, and they are falling apart. It is hard to lay down all their heavy burdens unto the Lord. But He would make them strong and would say aloud: “Lord, I trust you, no matter what things come up.” You will manifest your glory and Your love toward me. We tell the Lord in prayer: “Lord, I choose you, and I have decided to follow you.” It is reminding me of the song I learned when I was very young in theLord. We sang this song all the time. The song goes like this: “I have decided to follow Jesus; the world behind me, the cross before me; though none go with me, I still will follow; No turning back, no turning back.”  Say it with a loud voice: “Lord, I am delighted to be with You, and You have a great future for me.” Manifest Your love and mercy. You’re my glory. You are my destiny. Amen. 

A Passionate Person: 

If you are a passionate believer, you will be inspired by these words: 

1. A passionate person is dedicated to standing up and getting ready to pray. To accomplish the impossible task of the Kingdom of God. 

2. A passionate person is doing hard work to pray for the sake of others.  To be enthusiastic about interceding for saving and healing. 

3. A passionate person is focused on the direction and the plan of God. It is needed to pray by the supernatural leadership of the Holy Spirit: seeing visions and dreams. 

4. A passionate person is willing to go extra mile for others, ministering to other believers and nonbelievers, and laying down his life in serving. 

Faith in the Word:  

It looks like; we are trying hard to understand why God is not responding to our prayer. We ask this question as why everybody is struggling to get an answer from the Lord.  We believe the Word: we decree His promise and declare it over every situ- ation. You may say, “I have done all these things, but nothing is happening. We wait upon the Lord with the peace of God. Waiting is a hard thing for everyone; we want an answer now. I believe the Word is powerful, and there is no error in the truth of God. We lay down all our petitions before the Lord. We declare “the name of Jesus” for victory. I will celebrate His name with a shout of joy in my prayer. Believing our prayer will be loosed. I think something needs to change in our mindset, and we need not 

give up very easily.  When we experience His Word is true. Jesus is bringing everything and every prayer into fulfillment. It’s just a matter of time until we believe by faith that He is in authority. Then we don’t want to be in control of the decision. He is able to change our situation in a matter of a day into a gloriously happy life for His glory. 

Discouragement Comes: 

We are seeking to connect with friends to get a word of encouragement. Afterward, we join with some Christians – people from whom we know we can get a word. But sometimes we feel that the word we heard is not from the Lord. We realize we didn’t get an accurate word from them. We become more dis- couraged. Because these people are not ready to give the right word to build us up, which is what we expected to hear from them. It might be that these people are also trying to grow in their own spiritual life for themselves. Maybe these people are striving in their own private lives. Everyone is in a stage of growing or dealing with their problems. Usually, when any crises come unexpectedly that we are trying to make peace within our own life. No one can help us unless we go into the presence of the Lord. Seek Him for direction and ask for the favor of the Lord. We can stay away from these friends for a short time and pray for them. Waiting for theLord’s time will be our desire to know His perfect’s will. He will bring good Christian friends to us and bring people back together again. So, we need to have a sense of discernment and eyes of understanding for the spiritual directions from the Lord. If we discover there is something not right in their heart and their spirit. We need to disconnect our relationship with some people for a short while. It may sound like a good idea to stay away from those people around us. We get too attached to some people who are not chosen by the Lord. We try to work out our fellowship with other Christian friends and other people. Maybe the Holy Spirit is telling us to pray for them. May the Lord work in these people’s hearts and spirits to strengthen their life. Then, in God’s time, the relationship and fellowship with these friends will be restored. The Lord knows better when we are ready to connect to these people again. We must obey the direction of the Holy Spirit, who reveals to us what to do. The Lord recognizes everything about our fellowship and discouragement. He especially loves to make us secure in our prayer life. We can ask the Lord: “Remove wrong people out of our life, bring the right people.”

The manifestation of prayer comes from our relationship with the Lord. We grow to be more like Him. As we spend time with the Lord, He forms His image in us. The more we see Him, the more we are changed into His likeness. In prayer, we present our requests to God and wait expectantly for His answers. We need to learn how to trust Him completely and have faith in His promises. When we do, we will experience the power of God at work in our lives, bringing about amazing changes and manifestations.

Our Top FAQ's

The concept of manifestation in prayer refers to the idea that prayer can bring about a desired outcome or result. This outcome may be material, such as receiving a specific item or achieving a specific goal, or it may be spiritual, such as gaining inner peace or enlightenment. The manifestation of prayer is believed to occur through the alignment of one’s thoughts, beliefs, and intentions with the divine or universal energy, which then manifests the desired outcome in the physical world.

Some common techniques or strategies for manifesting the desired outcome of a prayer include visualizing the desired outcome, repeating affirmations or mantras, setting specific goals and intentions, and practicing gratitude and positivity. Some people also incorporate other spiritual practices, such as meditation or mindfulness, into their prayer routine to help them focus their intentions and connect with the divine.


There are several potential obstacles or challenges that can prevent the manifestation of a prayer. These may include a lack of belief or faith, negative thoughts or emotions, a lack of clarity or focus in one’s intentions, or conflicting beliefs or desires. Additionally, some people may struggle to let go of their attachment to the desired outcome, which can also prevent the manifestation of prayer.

One’s belief, faith, and mindset play a significant role in the manifestation of prayer. Individuals who have strong belief and faith in the power of prayer and the divine are more likely to manifest their desired outcome. Additionally, having a positive mindset and a clear and focused intention can also increase the likelihood of manifesting the desired outcome of a prayer.

There are numerous examples of successful manifestation of prayer in history and contemporary times. Some examples include miraculous healings, the fulfillment of specific requests or desires, and the manifestation of inner peace and spiritual growth. However, it is important to note that the success of manifestation is often subjective and may vary from person to person.