Manifestation Journal

Learn more about how writing helps turn your dreams into reality.

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You’ve probably heard about manifestation from someone on social media at some point. But you might be confused about what it is. Manifestation is wrapped in pseudo-science but aspects of it are valid. Think of it as focusing your energy and intentions on something that you want to achieve.

It could be anything that you hope to achieve in life. But it’s way more than simply thinking positive thoughts and hoping your dreams come true.

When we think about manifestation, we also need to have a sense of clarity. We need to understand what we’re putting our efforts toward and what specific steps we need to take to get there.

If we don’t do this, we’ll set unattainable goals. Once we become extremely set on achieving a particular goal, regardless if it’s attainable or not, it’s hard to disengage. 

When we fail to realize that our personal goals aren’t achievable, it can keep us in a phase where we stop growing. We’re also more likely to achieve goals that are attainable than goals that are important to us, which is why having clarity and being realistic with our goal setting is important. 

What is a Manifestation Journal?

A manifestation journal is a book with blank pages that invites you to write down your dreams, goals, and desires. It’s a manifestation technique, like the law of attraction, that can help you stay focused and motivated even if it doesn’t actually “make” things happen.

Your journal helps you think creatively, write down positive thoughts and affirmations, and keep you focused on your goals. It’s a way of vocalizing what you want out of life and working toward seizing it. 

Everyone can treat their manifestation journal differently, but it should be a safe space for self-compassion and optimism. Ideas of self-doubt and negativity aren’t welcome. It can be hard to quiet those automatic negative thoughts and limiting beliefs but it’s useful to practice.

But with a manifestation journal, you can start to shift your intention toward optimism, hope, and action. With a pen and paper, you can help quiet your inner critic (alongside support from your coach). 

You can also use your journal to reflect on how far you’ve come and what you’ve accomplished since you started.

How does a manifestation journal work?

A manifestation journal is a friendly manifestation method that welcomes everyone. From beginners to people who are familiar with manifestation journeys, it’s an accessible way to chart the life you want.

You don’t need much to start journaling and seeing how your manifestation journal works. But once you start, you might just impress yourself with how it impacts your life.

The act of writing can help our mental health, no matter how many spelling or grammar mistakes you think you may have. Researchers at the University of Michigan found journaling each day can combat depression.

It’s also a way of being more mindful. You’ll be able to keep track of your thoughts, limiting beliefs, and how your inner critic talks to you. Plus, you’ll learn to focus your attention and creativity on your present tasks. Mindful people even set better goals.

Having clear, long-term goals will help your daily journaling practice cater to your life’s vision. You’ll set better short-term goals with a clear path forward in mind.

You’re also sharpening your communication skills as you’re busy writing away.

The way we communicate our thoughts and feelings on paper can help us when we have to say them out loud. Don’t be surprised if one day you find you can articulate your feelings to people in a clear, concise way.

How to write a manifestation journal

Sometimes a blank page can be overwhelming because your opportunities are limitless. But that’s the thing: your opportunities are limitless because it’s your manifestation journal, not anyone else’s. 

Here are nine tips to help you start writing in your manifestation journal:

  1. Choose a medium and template that works for you, whether that’s paper or something digital
  2. Establish a set amount of time that you’d like to journal each day and add it to your daily routine
  3. Set the mood and make sure your environment is calm and rid of distractions as you write
  4. Record your visualizations, and don’t hesitate to draw and doodle on your page
  5. Use images and colors to help personalize your journal
  6. Keep a gratitude list on the side to acknowledge what you’re already grateful for in life
  7. Have your positive manifestations and thoughts in the present tense
  8. Organize your journal in a way that makes sense for you

How can journaling help with manifestation?

Journaling is a helpful manifestation practice for a few reasons, all of which teach us valuable skills to have in life. 

Your journal is easy to follow because you guide yourself. You decide what type of journal is best for your life and which one is best suited for your efforts. It helps us maintain a positive attitude and keeps us feeling calm. Rather than worry or feel the impact of burnout, it offers self-care and positive energy. 

This manifestation process can take time, but that’s a good thing. It teaches us to stay focused and take time for ourselves and our values as we sit and write each day. We have to learn patience and how to center ourselves.

We’re focused on the present as we write down our thoughts and feelings and gain clarity on our goals for the future.

5 examples of manifestation journals

We can use our manifestation journals in all sorts of templates and formats. Whichever way you structure your journal, it should help you feel better about yourself and better yourself at the same time.

Here are five manifestation journal examples to help inspire you:

  1. An appreciation list: With manifestation, we need to acknowledge what we continue to appreciate in life, no matter how big or small they may be. Start with a gratitude practice in the form of journaling. 
  2. Our intentions: This method helps drive home our goals and ideas that we want to live by today and into the future.
  3. Relationship tracker: Whether you’re having conflict with someone or working on deepening your relationships, this type of journal helps you be more mindful of your actions and progress.
  4. Daily reflections: Sometimes, things really bother us throughout the day. Writing them down helps us let go. And if something really wonderful happens, you can track that alongside any negatives for balance.
  5. Dream tracker: This isn’t exclusively for your dreams while you sleep. Writing down your dreams for the future can help you visualize what it means to achieve them through action and planning. This practice can also help you recognize patterns in your passions and fears.

8 journal prompts to inspire you

Now that you understand all that your journal can do for you, you might be thinking, “What do you write in a manifestation journal?” The short answer is: Whatever you’d like. But we have more detailed journal prompts to help you get started.

Here are eight manifestation journal prompts to make you feel inspired:

  1. The type of rest my mind and body need right now is… 
  2. In the next five years, a habit I want to develop is…
  3. My dream life looks like…
  4. I feel the happiest when…
  5. I can strengthen my self-awareness by…
  6. If I feel like I don’t have enough self-confidence, I can…
  7. My definition of success is…
  8. My favorite positive affirmations are…

Level up: 4 other manifestation practices

A manifestation journal is an excellent way to start creating and building the life you want to be living. It won’t be a dream life, but it will be a rewarding and meaningful real life. Some days you might have writer’s block, and other days your hands won’t be able to keep up with your thoughts.

When you’re going through challenging days, that’s when it’s harder to write. But you’re still putting energy toward shifting your intentions and focus. That means you’re making progress toward a more meaningful, fulfilling life—and that’s something to be proud of.

But there might come a day when your journey requires more than just your journal. Explore other techniques and practices to figure out what helps you find clarity and motivation. While there’s no science to support numerology-based techniques like the 55×5 method, here are three other manifestation practices that you can try out:

  1. Create a vision board
  2. Practice mindful meditation every morning or evening
  3. Make a worry box to throw in your worries and fears, then lock them away

No matter what manifestation looks like for you, remember that it all starts with how you feel about yourself. If you don’t believe in your ability to manifest your desires, then it will be harder for you to bring them into reality. Trust the process, and know that you are capable of creating the life you want to live.

With a little patience and practice, you’ll be well on your way to manifesting all sorts of amazing things. And don’t forget to document everything in your manifestation journal!

Our Top FAQ's

A manifestation journal is a type of journal in which a person writes down their thoughts, feelings, and desires related to their goals and aspirations. The idea behind a manifestation journal is that the act of writing down and focusing on your goals can help to bring them into reality.

Examples of things that people might include in their manifestation journal include their goals, plans for achieving those goals, positive affirmations, and reflections on their progress. Some people also include images or other creative elements in their manifestation journals.


There is no set rule for how often someone should write in their manifestation journal, but it is generally recommended to write in it regularly, such as daily or several times per week. The key is to make it a regular part of your routine so that you can stay focused on your goals.

Some tips for effectively using a manifestation journal include:

  • Writing in a positive and present-tense tone, as if your goals have already been achieved
  • Being specific and clear about what you want to manifest
  • Writing down your goals and plans in a way that feels empowering and inspiring to you
  • Reflecting on your progress and adjusting your plans as needed
  • Reading over your entries regularly to stay focused and motivated.

Potential drawbacks or disadvantages of using a manifestation journal include:

  • It may take time and effort to establish the habit of writing in your journal regularly
  • Some people may find it difficult to stay focused and committed to their goals over the long term
  • If you are not careful, you may end up setting unrealistic or unachievable goals, which can be frustrating and demoralizing
  • The act of writing down your goals may not be enough on its own to bring them into reality; you may also need to take action and work towards achieving them.