Manifestation Examples
We all have dreams that we hope would come true. Do you get bored of wishing? Try a different approach experiment with manifestations and start realizing your desires. This is how.

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If you’re seeking for a way to define manifestations, “affirmations on steroids” will do the trick. Manifestations are utilized to attract the type of energy that will assist you in reaching a certain objective. Working with manifestations may help you achieve goals as broad as “be joyful” or as particular as “get a job at the New York Times.”
Manifestations should be examined through the lens of the law of attraction, which is a philosophy or way of life that asserts that “like attracts like.” Positive ideas, in particular, can help you to welcome positivity into your life, whilst a cycle of negative thinking will produce pain and suffering.
You’ve probably heard of affirmations, or positive phrases aimed to put you in a good frame of mind so you may accomplish success and live your best life. Manifestations are comparable in that they are used to bring about new occurrences or conditions, but they are also distinct. You don’t merely shout statements when it comes to manifestations. You also take the steps necessary to go to where you wish to go. You work hard to achieve your objective, and you do all in your power to keep your spirit focused on it and your emotions in check.
Do you want to discover your soulmate? It will not happen just by repeating, “I am so grateful to have such a beautiful companion in my life.” At the very least, you should get out there and meet some people.
Do you want to be a millionaire? Every day telling yourself that you are already one will not enough. To get there, you’ll almost probably need to build a profitable firm.
You get the idea – manifestations continue where affirmations end, by ensuring that you create the ideal circumstances for your goals to come true.
Benefits of Writing Your Manifestations

Consider a period in your life when you were suddenly rewarded with something you’d wanted for a long time, and you’ll see that you don’t always need to write your desires down to make your goal a reality.
However, journaling does help in manifestation because:
- When you write anything down, it becomes more concrete. You make a commitment to it. You give it tangible form.
- Journaling allows you to see your future.
- Journaling might help you recognize what you need to focus on to remove the obstacles that are preventing you from reaching your goal.
- When you write manifestations, you may keep track of those that have already manifested, giving you additional reasons to be glad every day. This will also help you maintain your good attitude.
4 Best Ways to Write Your Manifestations

Of course, you may write your manifestations in your own unique manner, but here are some techniques that have worked successfully for others.
1. Manifestation List
A manifestation list is one of the most basic techniques to begin manifesting. Simply make a list of your wants in a manifestation notebook, listing them in order of importance and in the present tense.
Every day, you read the manifestation list, noting whether or not whatever you hoped came true. Remember to be thankful for the present moment!
2. Manifestation Scripting
Yes, scripting as in “movie script.” To employ this approach, choose a quiet and calm spot with a diary and visualize every element of your future life – the one you desire. Tell the diary how you feel, what you can smell and taste, what makes you happy, who you work with and how they are. Write in the present tense and give it your all. It might affect your future.
3. Vision Board Journal

We assume you’re familiar with Pinterest if you’re a brand novice. If you’ve ever been lost in the platform’s most wholesome side, you’ve probably seen something similar to a vision board. Your vision board will be as individual as you are, packed with your specific dreams.
For a vision board, many individuals utilize standard cork boards that they may hang in their home office. You may also use a notebook for your vision board, which will resemble a scrapbook. A vision board contains everything you desire in your life. This may include:
- Pictures and other pictures that depict your ideal, such as a gorgeous home adorned in a certain style or a great job.
- Meaningful inspiring quotations from celebrities or people you know.
- If you are religious, read the Bible.
- Affirmations from you.
You may even write affirmations by hand and use the same diary as a gratitude journal if you want – the rules are up to you as long as you are visually motivated.
4. Repetition Manifestation Methods

Repetition manifestation methods are among the most effective and popular, and according on your specific tastes, you have many various possibilities to select from:
- The 369 manifestation method was inspired by Nikola Tesla, who liked the numerals 3, 6, and 9, and has since been updated by a number of other entrepreneurs. You begin with a single manifestation that is around two sentences long. Be precise, and write it as though your goal has already come true. Write your manifestation three times in the morning, six times before lunch, and nine times before bed.
- The 55×5 manifestation method asks that you write your manifestation 55 times every day, 5 times in a row. Your manifestation should be interesting, precise, written in the present tense, and quite brief.
- The 1×11 manifestation method. Abraham is the non-physical being from the book Manifest Your Desires. Decide what you want to manifest and write it down in positive, detailed language, as if your desire is already a reality. Mark 11 pages in a dedicated diary. For 11 days, write the affirmation 11 times in the morning and 11 times in the evening. Memorize the statement if you can. After you complete your writing, take some time to meditate and be one with the universe. This method recognizes that it can take longer than 11 days for your desire to manifest, and asks that you take a break of at least a few days before trying the exercise again.
- The 77×7 manifestation technique is another repetition method. You should be familiar with the essence by now. For 7 days, write your manifestation 7 times in the morning and 7 times at night in a dedicated diary. It works well for many individuals since the number 7 represents a week and hence fits into your natural rhythm extremely well.
- The 3×33 manifestation method asks you to write your manifestation 33 times every day for three days. After that, you let it go and let the cosmos do its thing.
Which method of repetitive manifestation is best for you? In the end, everything comes down to personal choice. If any of these numbers have special importance to you, it is the one to use.
A Step-by-Step Guide on How To Write Manifestations

When you’re new to writing manifests, the whole process might be scary. This step-by-step manifesto writing method might help you get started.
1. Get a Manifestation Journal
Your manifestations are significant, and they should take place in a separate diary. A Moleskine journal, for example, has high-quality paper and a good, sturdy cover.
This diary is where you will write your manifestations using the approach you have selected, therefore that is what you will do. However, you may also blog about the things in your life for which you are very thankful. Your manifestation notebook is not a diary in which you may write whatever you want. Keep angry or dissatisfied thoughts at bay and concentrate on the good. Concentrate on expressing your desire.
If your approach requires a specified quantity of space, mark that first. Leave room in another section to express your thanks and affection.
The only thing left to do is to keep your manifestation notebook as near to you as possible. This will allow you to not only write your manifestations at the appropriate moments, but also to have a quick check at it anytime you need some extra drive.
2. Meditate and Visualize Your Dreams

Whatever manifestation method you use, meditating should be an important part of the process. You can do this shortly after or just before writing your manifestations. Visualize your dream as you meditate. Assume your desires are already a part of your life. You may accomplish this by:
- Consider your environment.
- I’m imagining how you feel.
- Consider your everyday routine.
- Consider the tastes, scents, and noises that would be present in your ideal existence.
You’ll be able to accomplish this if you’ve ever been to a yoga session and been instructed to imagine a tranquil beach or a pine forest, and you’ve heard the waves crashing on the beach or smelt the fresh scent of pine.
3. Write Down Your Manifestations in Detail
If your objectives are too broad, you may never know if you have met them. Your manifestations must be precise. It’s typically not a good idea to settle for “I am happy” or “I am healthy.” Instead, make a detailed mental picture of your desires. You already know what you want. It might be a special promotion. It might be a certain weight target. Write that down, so that you will know whether your manifestation worked.
4. Repetition

To fully feel like the manifestation is a part of your life, you must sit with it on a regular basis. This is why popular approaches need you to write your manifestations numerous times every day and a set amount of times. The manifestations begin to feel genuine after a time.
5. Trust in Yourself and the Universe
Some people may manifest their goals in order to demonstrate to a friend that manifestations do not work, but don’t bet on it. You must believe that your want or dream is a reality and that you are deserving of having it in your life. After you’ve gone through the procedure, you should trust the cosmos (God, cosmic energy, or whatever you call it) to look after you.
The Bottomline
You can make your desires come true. It is essential to be as specific as you can, and you must meditate and visualize your goal before you start the manifestation process. Trust in yourself, and don’t forget to show gratitude for what you have already accomplished. You’re on your way to making your dreams come true!
Our Top FAQ's
Manifestation is the process of bringing something into reality through thought, intention, and belief. It is a concept that is often associated with the power of positive thinking and the idea that what we focus on and believe in can ultimately come to pass in our lives. Affirmations are a tool that can be used in the manifestation process, as they are positive statements that are repeated to oneself in order to reinforce a desired outcome or belief.
Some examples of affirmations that could be used for manifestation might include: “I am worthy and deserving of love and abundance in my life,” “I am confident and capable of achieving my goals,” or “I am healthy, happy, and full of energy.”
Affirmations work in the manifestation process by helping to shift your focus and attention to the desired outcome, and by reinforcing positive beliefs about yourself and your ability to achieve your goals. When you repeat affirmations to yourself, they can help to reprogram your subconscious mind and align your thoughts and actions with your desired outcome. This can then manifest in your reality through the Law of Attraction, which states that like attracts like.
There may be limitations to what can be manifested through affirmations, as the manifestation process is not always a straightforward or predictable process. It can be influenced by a variety of factors, including your beliefs, your level of focus and determination, and the circumstances and events in your life. Additionally, it is important to note that manifesting through affirmations should not be seen as a substitute for taking action and working towards your goals in a practical and realistic way.
Anyone can use affirmations for manifestation, as it is a skill that can be learned and developed with practice. However, it is important to approach the process with an open mind and a willingness to believe in yourself and your ability to achieve your desired outcomes. It may also be helpful to work with a coach or mentor who can provide guidance and support as you learn to use affirmations effectively in your manifestation practice.