Manifest Quantum Physics
In this article, we will dig below the surface to determine the difference between quantum physics and manifestation, and how to create a signal so clear, so concise that it reaches into the quantum field and pulls our desires into physical reality before our eyes.

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What if your thoughts alone could modify your physical reality? You might be able to materialize your ideal employment, a fulfilling relationship, or a healthy physique. In actuality, you can! This process is known as manifestation, and quantum physics can explain how it functions.
The physical matter has been taken by quantum physicists, who have since seen it using more powerful microscopes. Atoms, protons and neutrons, quarks, electrons, and finally simply waves may be seen as they get smaller and smaller. In other words, wave energy that is not physical creates physical substance!
The majority of us were taught that an atom consists of a nucleus with electrons circling it. Actually, the Newtonian model of the atom is flawed. The existence of electrons in an imperceptible energy cloud surrounding the nucleus is explained by quantum theory.
What is the Observer Effect?

The Observer Effect demonstrates that the electron will appear in any particular area of that energy cloud when the observer concentrates their attention there. The electron returns to becoming non-physical energy dispersed across the whole energy cloud if there is no observer. We arrive at the conclusion that our concentrated mind causes wave energy to condense and turn into stuff there. This demonstrates how thinking and matter are related.
All of us are surrounded by a non-physical field of infinite energy, similar to how an atom’s nucleus is surrounded by a non-physical electron cloud. It is known as the Quantum Field in quantum physics. And all of our physical reality emerges from the Quantum Field, just as an electron does from that energy cloud.
Our bodies are surrounded by an electromagnetic field that is created by our thoughts, which are electric, and our emotions, which are magnetic. The quantum field and our electromagnetic field are always in communication. Your present reality is a result of the ideas and feelings you are experiencing.
According to the Law of Attraction, if we alter our electromagnetic field (by altering our thoughts and emotions), it will cause the Quantum Field to pull a new reality into existence. The idea and the sensation must coincide, and we must then maintain that condition of being long enough for the manifestation to take place.
Thus, there are four steps in manifestation:
- Be quite clear about what you want to manifest.
- Feel now as though you have already attained that manifestation (joy, gratitude, love)
- Keep your feelings of heightened emotion.
- Watch for the surprise.
How can you tell whether your manifestation is likely to succeed?

You should first feel fantastic as if you have already attained what you had envisioned. Second, that manifestation will arrive in a way that surprises us. Making a strategy, following it, and getting the outcomes you want means you worked in the physical world to get them; it is not manifestation. Your manifestation will come to you in a way that you cannot foresee since the Quantum Field has endless potential, and that is how you can tell that it was the result of manifestation.
Dream Job: Example 1 of Manifestation
For instance, Dr. Dispenza’s son desired to materialize his ideal career.
Step 1: Clearly think
Writing down all the particular information about that dream career, including the working hours, the industry, the pay, and other factors, is something that Dr. Dispenza encouraged his son to do. This is the reflective section (the electric part).
Second Step: Feel Enhanced
Imagine how you would feel if you had that job, he then said to his kid. You would likely experience more profound feelings of thanksgiving, joy, awe, and love. This is the emotional component (the magnetic part). These specifics and feelings were recorded by his kid for his ideal career.
Every day, think about and reflect on those specifics and emotions. Every time you meditate, you are unable to stand up until the feeling of having that employment already in place feels true. This is how you communicate with the Quantum Field via electromagnetic waves.
Step 3: Keep the Head Elevated
You must maintain that high emotional state throughout the day in order to prevent your communication from the Quantum Field from changing or breaking, Dr. Dispenza cautioned his son. The manifestation will halt if you revert to negative feelings, and you will start attracting the same reality.
Fourth Step: Be Surprised
His kid carried out his father’s orders. A few months later, the son “just happened” to run into the surfer who was his hero, and they “just happened” to have a terrific chat. His hero “just happened” to be hiring, and he “just happened” to be the perfect candidate. It was entirely unforeseen. In his works, Dr. Dispenza provides several examples of manifestations like these.
Another Way to Manifest: Daily Self-Improvement

Although the manifestation idea is very easy to comprehend, it is really exceedingly challenging to put into practice. People may easily think about what they desire. To experience and keep the intense feelings is difficult. It might be challenging for us to maintain positive emotions when faced with difficulties and resist descending into negative ones.
The daily practice of visualization meditation is how Dr. Dispenza cultivates focus and positive feelings. I’ve tried it, but after the meditation, my tension and concern seem to return. To be really honest, even while I’m meditating, my mind is racing with ideas, and I find it difficult to experience strong, heightened feelings. My emotional state continues to draw in my current reality as a result.
I went to Daoism and Buddhism for alternative approaches because they both have knowledge of how ideas create reality. To draw a brighter future, they both underlined the value of developing a virtue-filled heart and shunning vices (or good karma as they call it).
In The Treatise on Cause and Effect, the Daoist sage Lao Tzu said,
“Misfortune and fortune do not come through gates, they are created by ourselves…Fortunate people speak virtue, observe virtue, and do virtue. If each day you persevere in these three virtues, after three years, the Heavens will surely descend fortune upon you. Misfortunate people speak evil, observe evil, and do evil. If each day you persevere in these three evils, after three years, the Heavens will surely descend calamity upon you.”
Everyone has the capacity to speak virtue, practice virtue, and observe virtue. Developing virtues will result in more elevated feelings, but practicing vices will result in more depressed emotions.
Our minds and hearts will undoubtedly grow more elevated if we can endure for three years to nurture virtues and eradicate vices, drawing a better reality into our lives. In addition, we may choose a certain manifestation we desire and then cultivate qualities to make it come true!
Manifestation Example 2: Wealth, Prestige, and Children

Liao Fan is a fantastic example of how to use this everyday self-improvement technique. He discusses how he spent many years cultivating good acts and ideas in his book, Liao Fan’s Four Lessons. He desired a top government position since it would bring him cash and respect.
Step 1: Clearly think
Liao Fan began by being clear about what he desired: a promotion to a more senior government position.
Step 2: Develop good deeds and ideas every day.
He pledged to build virtues via performing 3000 nice actions in order to materialize this ideal position. He performed good things, read books about virtue, and kept a notebook every day.
Step 3: Remain committed to changing the heart
He could do nice actions initially, but his head and emotions were not in harmony. Later, though his thoughts and deeds were just, he still didn’t feel entirely moral. The manifestation will not be effective under these circumstances.
By the time he had performed his 3000 good actions, his heart had transformed, enabling him to experience and keep high feelings all day long, and his aim had been achieved. He subsequently made a second pledge to perform 3000 good actions in order to have a son, and before his 3000 good deeds were complete, his son was born.

Albert Einstein summarized manifestation nicely:
“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get into that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy, this is physics.”
Only when our thoughts, feelings, and actions are always in harmony can we successfully manifest. One strategy is to practice visualization meditation until you experience increased feelings of thanksgiving, joy, and love as if your wish has already come true. After that, stay in that high mood the whole day.
For most individuals, such a way is certainly rather challenging, therefore another slow-but-steady approach is to work on developing better character every day. We can concentrate on carrying out noble activities, having noble thoughts, and experiencing noble feelings. Our electromagnetic signal will draw a better reality from the Quantum Field as it gets more routine and natural.
Our Top FAQ's
Quantum physics is a branch of physics that studies the behavior of subatomic particles and the interactions between them. It is based on the principles of wave-particle duality, uncertainty, and entanglement. In the context of manifestation, quantum physics suggests that our thoughts and intentions can influence the physical world by altering the probabilities of certain outcomes.
Some people believe that quantum physics provides a scientific basis for the manifestation process, as it suggests that our thoughts and intentions can have a tangible effect on the physical world. However, it should be noted that the field of quantum physics is still largely theoretical, and the idea of using it to manifest specific outcomes is not widely accepted by the scientific community.
Some key principles of quantum physics that could be applied to manifestation include the observer effect, which states that the act of observing a system can alter its behavior, and the concept of superposition, which suggests that particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously. Additionally, the principle of entanglement suggests that particles can become connected and influence each other’s behavior, even over vast distances.
To utilize quantum physics for manifestation, an individual could focus their thoughts and intentions on their desired outcome, and visualize it as already existing in the present moment. They could also use techniques such as meditation or affirmations to align their consciousness with the desired outcome. It may also be helpful to surround oneself with positive, supportive people and environments that can reinforce and strengthen one’s intentions.
One potential drawback of using quantum physics for manifestation is that it is a complex and highly theoretical field, and the idea of using it to manifest specific outcomes is not widely accepted by the scientific community. Additionally, some people may find it difficult to consistently align their thoughts and intentions with their desired outcomes, and may not see the desired results. It is also important to remember that manifestation is not a substitute for taking action and working towards one’s goals in a practical and realistic manner.