14 Days to Manifest Wealth

If you’re looking to manifest wealth, there are a few key things you can do to help make it happen.

In this article, you’ll learn how to Manifest Wealth in 14 days. Let’s get right to it!

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Wealth is often seen as something that’s financial in nature, but it doesn’t have to be. Wealth can also refer to your relationships, health, happiness, and career success. So, how can you go about manifesting wealth in all areas of your life?

There are many different ways to do this, but one powerful method is to use the law of attraction. This law states that like attracts like. In other words, if you focus on positive things, you will attract more positive things into your life.

What is Manifestation?

Manifestation is the act of bringing something into existence. It’s often used in relation to the law of attraction, as it’s seen as a way to manifest your desires.

How Does Manifestation Work?

It’s believed that manifestation works by aligning your thoughts and actions with your desired outcome. This can be done through visualization, affirmations, and focusing on what you want to achieve.

The law of attraction is often cited as an example of how manifestation works. The basic idea is that if you focus on positive things, you will attract more positive things into your life. For instance, if you’re hoping to manifest a new job, you might visualise yourself in your dream role and picture yourself succeeding.

Similarly, if you’re hoping to manifest a new relationship, you might focus on being more open and loving towards others. The key is to put your attention on what you want to achieve, rather than what you don’t want.

How to Change Your Negative Beliefs to Empowering Ones:

Clearly Identify your negative feeling/vibe about money or wealth —>Ask: WHY am 

I feeling this way? —> Keep asking “WHY” until you can link the feeling/reaction 

with an experience or a series of experiences in your past (the oldest experience will 

probably be the most accurate) —> Question the conclusions/meanings you gave 

to your experiences. Are they accurate or true? —> If the meanings/conclusions are 

causing you pain or lack or fear, they are NEVER accurate or true, but are trying to 

point you to the truth —> Realize and accept that you have been seeing your current 

experience through one or more outdated, disempowering belief systems —> Shift 

your focus to see the belief through the eyes of love and abundance and truth. 

Now for the fun part: we must replace the negative vibes/beliefs/thoughts with 

empowering ones. True ones. Fun ones. Wickedly awesome abundant ones! Ones 

of your wildest dreams! 

Grab your old (wonky) money belief sheet, then find a new piece of paper and 

write the word “MONEY” in the center of it. Now, take one of your old negative 

vibes/beliefs (preferably the most negative one), and jot down the thoughts and 

feelings associated with this. For every thought/feeling/vibe, ask this: What is this 

vibe’s message? What is it trying to tell me?

I’ll use an example: I used to believe that I wasn’t worthy of money. But that be- 

lief made me feel immense shame! Like, I was unworthy and a burden and that I 

didn’t deserve good things. So what was this “shame” feeling trying to tell me? 

That I did deserve money. And since I knew deep inside that I did deserve money, it 

made me feel shameful when I focused on a contrary belief. Because it wasn’t true! 

And that created discord inside me. 

Another thing I believed was that to love money is a sin. It’s evil. And If I wanted 

it, it must mean that I loved it, which would mean that I’m sinful. And I didn’t want 

to be that! But to love money is to love abundance, and money is abundance and 

isn’t this Universe abundant? See how our minds trick us into believing things that 

aren’t true? 

Now, what are your feelings and vibes and beliefs trying to tell you? Read 

through your negative feelings one by one. Then ask, what is this feeling’s mes- 

sage? While doing this, make sure you know that you are not your feelings. You are 

the observer of your feelings. And your negative feelings are trying to guide you to 

truth, which is that you are ever deserving of limitless abundance. 

Here are a few examples: 

Negative thoughts/feelings: I’m not good at making money, and so I am not 

good enough for money. 

Truth: I have made money in the past and since I am transforming my beliefs, I 

will make so much more! Inherently, I am good enough just as I am. 

Negative thoughts/feelings: I don’t deserve money, and that makes me feel ashamed. 

Truth: Since I am a child of this Universe, and the Universe is abundant, I can 

feel proud and at peace with wealth and abundance. My birthright is abundance in 

all the ways I desire, and so I deserve abundance. 

Negative thoughts/feelings: I can’t be trusted with money, which means I don’t 

deserve money. 

Truth: The Universe trusts me, I trust me, and so I can be trusted with money. 

Even if I make mistakes, being abundant is still my birthright and I feel at ease 

knowing this. 

Negative thoughts/feelings: Making money is hard work, and it makes me feel 


Truth: Money comes to me easily when I have fun, when I enjoy myself, and 

when I am living my life’s purpose. I attract money easily and effortlessly when I 

am fulfilling my life’s purpose. 

Negative thoughts/feelings: The love of money is the root of all evil, and so to 

desire more money makes me a sinner. 

Truth: I love money and money loves me! The Universe desires for nothing more 

than my happiness and abundance! I am a divine being when I receive all the abun- 

dance and wealth the Universe has to offer! 

Negative thoughts/feelings: If I have a lot of money, people will be jealous of 

me, and I will be alone.


Truth: Since I am a child of this Universe, and the Universe is abundant, I can 

feel proud and at peace with wealth and abundance. My birthright is abundance in 

all the ways I desire, and so I deserve abundance. 

Negative thoughts/feelings: I can’t be trusted with money, which means I don’t 

deserve money. 

Truth: The Universe trusts me, I trust me, and so I can be trusted with money. 

Even if I make mistakes, being abundant is still my birthright and I feel at ease 

knowing this. 

Negative thoughts/feelings: Making money is hard work, and it makes me feel 


Truth: Money comes to me easily when I have fun, when I enjoy myself, and 

when I am living my life’s purpose. I attract money easily and effortlessly when I 

am fulfilling my life’s purpose. 

Negative thoughts/feelings: The love of money is the root of all evil, and so to 

desire more money makes me a sinner. 

Truth: I love money and money loves me! The Universe desires for nothing more 

than my happiness and abundance! I am a divine being when I receive all the abun- 

dance and wealth the Universe has to offer! 

Negative thoughts/feelings: If I have a lot of money, people will be jealous of 

me, and I will be alone.

Also, below are 20 of my absolute favorite money affirmations. I love them so 
much because they make me feel abundant! 

1. I am a limitless being receiving from a limitless source in limitless ways 

2. I love money because it gives me the life of my dreams 

3. The Universe is conspiring to make me wealthy beyond my wildest dreams! 

4. The Universe is always giving me unlimited wealth 

5. I am a master at creating, spending, saving, and directing money 

6. The Universe is always guiding me toward new streams of income 

7. I am grateful to money because it allows me to pay my bills on time and in full 

8. Money is abundance, and abundance is Love 

9. I fulfill part of my life’s purpose by being ridiculously wealthy 

10. The Universe loves showering me with expected and unexpected abundance 

11. The more I give, the more I am given. The more I am given, the more I give 

12. It is safe for me to be abundant in all areas of life 

13. I delight in the abundance that is constant in my life

14. I always have more than enough money to live the life I love 

15. Abundance of every kind is drawn to me 

16. Abundance, cash, wealth, and epic money-making ideas flow freely to me! 

17. I am open and receive at all moments all the wealth the Universe has to offer 


18. My wealth shines from the deepest part of my soul 

19. The thoughts I focus on become my physical reality 

20. I am as abundant as the entire Universe!

These are just some of the many affirmations you can use to attract money and wealth into your life. Remember, thoughts become things, so the better your thoughts are about money, the better your relationship with money will be!

Start using these affirmations daily, and watch as your financial situation changes for the better! You deserve all the abundance that this Universe has to offer!

Download Selfpause today and get started on your journey to financial freedom! 14 days to manifest wealth is just the beginning – Selfpause will help you keep track of your progress and ensure that your money goals are always at the forefront of your mind. Wealth is yours for the taking – go get it!

Our Top FAQ's

Manifesting is a belief or practice that involves using the power of the mind to influence reality and bring about desired outcomes. In the context of wealth, manifesting involves using this power to attract financial abundance and prosperity into one’s life.

Some people believe that manifesting can help them become wealthy by focusing their thoughts and energy on their desired outcome and creating a positive mental state that can attract wealth. However, there is no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of manifesting, and it may not work for everyone.

To manifest wealth in 14 days, one could try visualizing their desired outcome, setting specific goals and taking actions towards achieving them, staying positive and focused, and practicing gratitude and abundance-based thinking. It may also be helpful to surround oneself with positive, supportive people and to eliminate any negative beliefs or behaviors that may be holding them back.

There are potential drawbacks to using manifesting to attract wealth. For example, it may not work for everyone, and focusing on manifesting wealth may take time and energy away from more practical, proven methods of improving one’s financial situation. Additionally, relying on manifesting as a sole means of achieving wealth may lead to disappointment or frustration if it does not work as expected.

Some other ways to improve one’s financial situation and create wealth include setting and sticking to a budget, increasing income through education or career advancement, investing in assets that have the potential to appreciate in value, and reducing expenses by cutting unnecessary costs and finding ways to save money. It may also be helpful to seek the advice of a financial planner or advisor.