Neville Lancelot Goddard

Neville Lancelot Goddard was a spiritual teacher and author of numerous metaphysical books who taught in the 1940s and 1950s.

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He was a spiritual teacher and author of numerous books on metaphysics who taught in the 1940s and 1950s. His teachings focused on the power of imagination to create our reality, and he believed that if we changed our thought patterns and beliefs, then we could manifest whatever we desired in life. He also encouraged his students to take responsibility for their own lives and be conscious of the power of their thoughts.

Goddard’s teachings have been described as “New Thought” or “Practical Mysticism,” a blend of spiritual practices, metaphysical principles, and psychological tools meant to help people bring about change in themselves and their lives. He believed that by cultivating an inner relationship with God, we could become more self-aware and gain a better understanding of our place in the universe. He also taught that by using visualization, prayer, and other spiritual practices, we can manifest whatever it is that we desire.

He wrote several books throughout his career including Your Faith Is Your Fortune (1941), The Law and The Promise (1960), and Out of This World: An Autobiography (1968). His teachings have been widely shared, even today, and continue to inspire individuals around the world.

Despite his passing in 1972, his legacy continues to live on. He has been credited with establishing the foundations for modern-day New Age spirituality, helping popularize concepts like positive thinking, visualization techniques, and inner peace. Today, many people still turn to Goddard’s teachings for insight into personal growth and spiritual enlightenment. Goddard’s books remain popular among those seeking a deeper understanding of themselves and life. Neville Lancelot Goddard was truly an influential teacher who left a lasting impact on our lives.

Early Life

Early Life

Neville Lancelot Goddard was born in Barbados on 19 February 1905. He was the eighth of nine children born to Joseph Nathaniel Goddard and Wilhelmina Nee Hinkinson. His father owned a successful import/export business and his mother was a devout Christian, both of whom encouraged him in his spiritual pursuits from an early age.

Goddard began exploring various religious teachings while still young, including Buddhist thought and the works of Swedenborgian philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg. In 1923, he moved to New York City at the age of 18 with aspirations to become an actor but soon became interested in metaphysical studies instead. From there, he studied under several teachers including Felix Adler and William Ernest Hocking before beginning to teach his own classes in the 1930s.

Throughout his career, Goddard wrote and lectured extensively on the power of imagination to create our reality. He believed that by changing our thinking patterns and beliefs, we can bring about great change in ourselves and the world around us. His teachings continue to be an important source of inspiration for many today.



In addition to his spiritual teachings, Neville Lancelot Goddard was also a renowned dancer. He began dance classes at the age of 15 and went on to perform in numerous stage shows throughout his career. He performed for several years with the Royal Ballet of London before returning to New York where he performed on Broadway and taught classes at the Metropolitan Opera House.

Neville Lancelot Goddard continues to be an inspirational figure who is widely remembered today. Through his writings and lectures, he helped popularize concepts like positive thinking, visualization techniques, and inner peace. His teachings have been credited with laying the foundations for modern-day New Age spirituality and continue to provide insight into personal growth and spiritual enlightenment for many individuals around the world.

His Legacy Lives On

His Legacy Lives On

Neville Lancelot Goddard’s impact is still felt today, long after his passing in 1972. His teachings have been widely shared and continue to inspire individuals around the world. Through his books and lectures, he provided people with a deeper understanding of their place in the universe and a powerful tool for self-empowerment. His emphasis on imagination, visualization, and prayer encourages readers to take charge of their lives and manifest whatever it is that they desire. He also inspired generations of spiritual seekers to cultivate an inner relationship with God.

Goddard’s influence has been credited with establishing the foundations for modern-day New Age spirituality and helping popularize concepts like positive thinking, visualization techniques, and inner peace. His work continues to be an important source of insight for those seeking personal growth and spiritual enlightenment. Today, many people still turn to Goddard’s teachings for guidance when navigating the complexities of life. Neville Lancelot Goddard was truly an influential teacher who left a lasting impact on our lives. His legacy will continue to inspire future generations of spiritual seekers as they embark on their own journeys of self-discovery and personal growth.

His most famous quotes and teachings serve as a reminder of his impact and legacy. The words he spoke continue to provide insight into personal growth and spiritual enlightenment for many individuals around the world. He is remembered by millions as one of the most influential spiritual teachers of his time and his teachings remain an important source of inspiration today.

Neville Lancelot Goddard truly was an incredible teacher who dedicated his life to helping others unlock their true potential and discover inner peace. His life and teachings will continue to be remembered for generations to come.

Quotes from Neville Lancelot Goddard

Quotes from Neville Lancelot Goddard

“An awakened imagination works with a purpose. It creates and conserves the desirable, and transforms or destroys the undesirable.”

“Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled and observe the route that your attention follows.”

“Stop trying to change the world since it is only the mirror. Man’s attempt to change the world by force is as fruitless as breaking a mirror in the hope of changing his face. Leave the mirror and change your face. Leave the world alone and change your conceptions of yourself. The reflection then will be satisfactory.”

“Nothing comes from without; all things come from within – from the subconscious”

“Dare to believe in the reality of your assumption and watch the world play its part relative to to its fulfillment.”


Neville Lancelot Goddard was a pioneering spiritual teacher who taught that by using visualization, prayer, and other spiritual practices, we can manifest whatever it is that we desire. He believed that by cultivating an inner relationship with God, we could become more self-aware and gain a better understanding of our place in the universe. His books remain popular among those seeking a deeper understanding of themselves and life, and his teachings continue to inspire individuals around the world. He truly was an influential teacher who left a lasting impact on our lives.

Our Top FAQ's

Neville Lancelot Goddard was a spiritual teacher, author, and lecturer who was born in Barbados and later moved to the United States. He was known for his unconventional and controversial beliefs about the nature of reality and consciousness, which he expounded in a series of books and lectures in the mid-20th century.

Neville Lancelot Goddard believed that the mind has the power to shape reality through the power of imagination and visualization. He taught that by using the imagination to visualize and believe in a desired outcome, a person could bring that outcome into reality. He also believed that the universe is a mental creation and that consciousness is the fundamental reality of the universe.

Neville Lancelot Goddard’s ideas and techniques were influential to many people seeking personal development and spiritual growth. His teachings were popular with those interested in the power of the mind and the concept of manifesting desires through the power of thought. Many of his followers believed that his techniques were effective in helping them to manifest their desires and improve their lives.

Neville Lancelot Goddard’s ideas and techniques differed from traditional religious or spiritual practices in that they focused on the power of the individual’s mind to shape reality, rather than on the worship of a deity or the adherence to a set of prescribed spiritual practices.

Neville Lancelot Goddard’s ideas and teachings were not widely accepted by the general public or the academic community, and were often considered to be unconventional or even pseudoscientific. However, his ideas continue to have a small but dedicated following among those interested in the power of the mind and the concept of manifesting desires through visualization and belief.