Law of Attraction and Islam

Mastering the Law of Attraction in Islam involves three critical steps to cultivate a life of choice that is in alignment with your truth and based on your divine purpose. This is an essential step to mastering the Law of Attraction and Islam.

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Islamic teachings about law of attraction and manifestation are based on the belief that if you believe in Allah and perform the righteous deeds, you will get your reward from your Lord and will experience no grief, fear, or sorrow.

Positive thoughts

The concept of the Law of Attraction is not compatible with Islam. This theory assumes that man has ultimate control over his destiny and that his “positive energy” attracts good things. This false assumption contradicts the central principle of Islam: charity. Islam encourages a charitable mindset, but the Law of Attraction contradicts this.

According to this theory, what we think has a measurable effect on our environment. The vibration of our thoughts emit electromagnetic waves, which attract whatever is on the same wavelength. As a result, if we think about negative things, we will attract negative things. However, if we think about positive things, we will attract good things.

Although the theory of attraction is not prohibited in Islam, Muslims should be careful to use it properly. It is not permissible to use this principle for selfish reasons. For example, if you wish to earn a thousand dollars, you should consciously make this goal. It is permissible to use the Law of Attraction to manifest money, but you should refrain from using it to take advantage of others.

A good example of the law of attraction is the power of the human mind to heal. By focusing on a positive thought, a person can affect their body’s chemical composition and overcome diseases. The author explains how the concept of the Law of Attraction is relevant to Islam by comparing it with other Islamic beliefs, such as prayer, manifesting, and moral judgment.

Although praying to God can produce positive results, it does not guarantee that it will happen. In Islam, the principle of al akhdh bil asbab – meaning “work as though God is not acting–is important in the Muslim’s life. In other words, if one has positive thoughts, Allah will do something for them.


Gratitude is a concept that was introduced to Muslims by Allah 1400 years ago. This concept is explained multiple times in the Holy Quran, the source of eternal guidance for Muslims today. It is vital to learn how to practice gratitude in order to receive the bounty of Allah.

The Quran talks about the virtues of gratitude and hope. These virtues are synonymous, as they refer to achieving success and dealing with setbacks. Being thankful for what you have in life is a form of insurance against unfavorable circumstances. It is the most powerful way to attract abundance into your life and live a fulfilling, balanced life.

Practicing gratitude is a vital part of Islam and it leads to a more abundant life full of peace, joy, and prosperity. There is no other path that offers as many opportunities to practice gratitude. The word kufr, which is derived from the Arabic root word “unbelief,” is the root of the word “ingratitude.” Islam provides five occasions per day for Muslims to express their gratitude. When praying, Muslims should always consciously say “Thank You” and acknowledge the blessings they have received. This is the best way to ensure that their prayers are answered.

Islam believes in the concept of the law of attraction. It states that people attract things based on their thoughts and feelings. Therefore, the things that people think about the most and focus on most are the things that they attract in their lives. The same principle applies to the outer world. If we think about what we want to attract, we will attract it.

Manifesting dreams with duaas

Manifesting your dreams can be easier than you think. The key is being clear about what you want and owning it. Once you’ve defined your desires, it is important to write them down. As the universe responds to positive signals, it will begin to work in your favor.

The Law of Attraction works in a similar way to the placebo effect and confirmation bias. It works on a simple cycle: The more you focus on something and the more you see it in the world, the more likely it is to happen. In other words, if you feel good and want something, it will happen.

Conflict between law of attraction and islam

The conflict between Islam and the Law of Attraction centers on two fundamental issues: independence and dependence. Islam teaches that we are limited by the dunya (time) while the Law of Attraction teaches that we can manifest abundance in accordance with the Divine Will. As a result, a book that advocates independence and dependence from Allah is contradictory to Islamic teachings and empirical science.

However, Islam does not deny the validity of the Law of Attraction. It states in the Quran, Surah Najam, that whatever a man strives for, he will receive. This law is based on the belief that Allah, the Creator of the heavens and earth, has the power to grant us what we desire. However, the practice of the Law of Attraction is fraught with demonic roots, which are apparent to people who possess the ability to discern spirits.

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The concept of the Law of Attraction, which is the belief that a person can attract positive or negative experiences into their life through their thoughts and beliefs, is not explicitly mentioned in the teachings of Islam. However, the principles of the Law of Attraction can be seen as being aligned with some Islamic teachings, such as the idea that a person’s thoughts and actions have consequences, and that individuals have the ability to shape their own lives through their choices and actions.

Muslims can certainly utilize the Law of Attraction to manifest their goals and desires, as long as these goals and desires are in line with Islamic principles and values. For example, the Law of Attraction could be used to help a Muslim achieve financial stability or success in their career, as long as these goals are pursued in a responsible and ethical manner, and do not involve any actions that are prohibited by Islam.

The principle of tawakkul, or trust in God, is a key principle in Islam. This means that Muslims are taught to put their trust in God and to believe that everything happens for a reason, even when things do not go as planned. This principle can be seen as being related to the Law of Attraction in that both emphasize the importance of positive thinking and the power of belief in shaping one’s life. However, it is important for Muslims to maintain a balance between trusting in God and taking action to achieve their goals, as Islam also teaches that individuals have a responsibility to work hard and do their best to improve their circumstances.

There may be potential conflicts or issues that arise when combining the practices of the Law of Attraction with the teachings of Islam. For example, some Muslims may view the Law of Attraction as being too focused on individual desires and goals, and may feel that it does not place enough emphasis on the importance of helping others and serving the greater good. Additionally, the Law of Attraction may be seen as promoting a sense of entitlement or a belief that a person can simply “think their way” to success, which may not be in line with the Islamic emphasis on hard work and humility.

Muslims can incorporate the principles of the Law of Attraction into their daily spiritual practices and rituals by focusing on positive thinking and setting intentions for their goals and desires. They can also try to cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the blessings they have been given, as this can help to attract more positivity and abundance into their lives. Additionally, Muslims can try to align their actions with their intentions, and take steps to actively pursue their goals in a responsible and ethical manner. It may also be helpful to seek guidance from Islamic scholars or spiritual leaders to ensure that these practices are in line with the teachings of Islam.