Law of Attraction Islam
The Law of Attraction, as it is known, is believed to be a universal law. This concept includes stages, such as gratitude meditation, creative visualization, and self affirmation.

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Law of attraction is based on wishful thinking
Islamic scholars question the validity of the “law of attraction” in light of the prevailing view of the world. They say it promotes wishful thinking, gives up striving and ignores the achievements of mankind. It also calls into question centuries of science and civilisation and asks the universe to fulfill one’s desire without exerting any effort.
It promotes egocentricity

The Law of Attraction in Islam is one of the most popular self-help programs, but it has been criticized for promoting egocentricity. Islam emphasizes the need to submit to God’s will, and rejects the idea that we have free will. Instead, it promotes a purely ephemeral perspective on life and the creation.
It promotes selfishness
The law of attraction promotes selfishness, which is not good in Islam. Islam teaches us to love God and live in accordance with his moral values. It is essential to love God above all other things, since God is the axis of existence, the absolute truth. Hence, any conflict between love for God and love for anything else must be resolved by love for God.
Islam and other religions stress the concept of innate goodness in human beings. The concept of the Hereafter helps us extend self-interest beyond this world and promotes altruism. Islamic economists have stressed the importance of moral values. According to Al-Mawardi, it is necessary to restrain individual tastes by virtue of moral values. Ibn Khaldun also stressed the need for moral orientation.
It promotes productivity
Islam allows the use of the law of attraction in the way one lives their life. According to the Quran, the law of attraction works by causing positive feelings, which will result in positive effects. Surah Najam says that Allah, the Creator of the earth and the heavens, will give man what he seeks. However, it has been said that the devil uses the law of attraction to promote selfishness and deny the creator God.
It promotes positive psycho-spiritual state

The law of attraction is a powerful philosophy that holds that the thoughts you think will manifest into reality. People who think positively attract positive experiences into their lives. Conversely, people who worry about everything will not experience relief and instead give impetus to negative energy. Positive thoughts promote an energetic, purposeful, and positive state of mind.
The law of attraction teaches us that there will always be something that we’re unhappy with, and we should find ways to improve those things. Negative thinking is toxic and can lead to spiritual bypassing. Positive thinking isn’t a sure thing, however. It takes effort and hard work to achieve a positive psycho-spiritual state.
In the New Thought spiritual movement, creative visualization and spiritual healing became popular ways to heal the mind and manifest good things. It also emphasized the belief that our thoughts determine our lives. It is interesting to note that the New Thought ideals were more common among women than men.
A 2010 study revealed that those who visualized what they wanted increased their chances of manifesting them. Although this concept is often referred to as “law of attraction,” it can lead to dangerous emotional repression and mental health conditions. The best way to avoid repression of negative feelings is to acknowledge them. When your feelings are valid, they will no longer become your barriers and prevent your manifestations from happening.
Our Top FAQ's
The Law of Attraction is a concept that suggests that a person’s thoughts and beliefs can attract corresponding experiences and outcomes in their life. It is based on the idea that like attracts like, and that by focusing on positive thoughts and feelings, a person can bring more positive experiences and outcomes into their life. Some people believe that the Law of Attraction can be used to manifest specific desires, such as financial abundance or romantic relationships.
It is not uncommon for people to seek guidance or direction from their faith when seeking to understand and navigate the world around them. In Islam, the concept of manifesting one’s desires through thought and belief may be seen as conflicting with the belief that God is the ultimate determiner of one’s circumstances and outcomes. Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of trust in God and submission to His will, rather than seeking to control one’s circumstances through personal effort or belief.
There are no specific passages in the Qur’an or Hadith that address the Law of Attraction or similar principles. However, there are many verses in the Qur’an that discuss the power of thought and belief, and the importance of maintaining a positive and trusting attitude towards God. For example, verse 8:53 of the Qur’an states: “And when they called upon their Lord for help, He said, ‘Indeed, I will be with you; I am hearing and seeing.’ ” This verse suggests that God is always present and attentive to the needs of His believers, and that by calling upon Him in prayer, they can access His support and guidance.
The principles of the Law of Attraction may be seen as conflicting with Islamic teachings on predestination, which hold that God has predetermined the course of one’s life and that human beings have limited control over their circumstances. Some Muslims may interpret the Law of Attraction as implying that individuals have the power to shape their own destiny through their thoughts and beliefs, which could be seen as challenging the belief that ultimate power and control resides with God.
It is possible that some Islamic scholars or religious leaders may have addressed the compatibility of the Law of Attraction with Islam. However, I cannot provide specific information on this topic as my training data only goes up until 2021 and I do not have access to current events or information.