Intention and focus are two of the most powerful forces you can use to manifest whatever you desire. They are the driving forces behind everything we do and experience in our lives. However, you must learn to balance these two forces in order to create a successful and happy life. This can be done through visualization. You can also use affirmations to help you stay focused and in the right direction.


The power of intention is real, and it works in many ways. For instance, if you intend to have a great day, then you will attract happy things to your life. Similarly, if you intend to achieve miracles, then you will experience them. You can use creative visualization to set your intention, by imagining the outcome and wrapping details around it. When you send out an intention to the universe, it responds with “yes!”


When it comes to your business and life, it is important to know that energy flows where your intention goes. The way to get your energy flowing in the right direction is to create a clear vision. A clear vision will help you focus your energy, and focus will lead to geometric results. By adopting the “energy flows where intention goes” way of thinking, you will learn to be more mindful of your thoughts and see the bigger picture.