Words to Use in Affirmations

Discover the words to use in affirmations and how they can help you in your daily life.

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Affirmation words are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome negative thoughts. When you feel down or discouraged, hearing positive, encouraging words can help you to shift your perspective and see the situation in a more positive light.

Although it is important to be mindful of the words you use in affirmations, as they can influence how effective they are, there are no hard and fast rules. Ultimately, the goal is to choose words that resonate with you and that you feel will be most helpful in achieving your desired outcome.

What are affirmation words?

What are affirmation words

Affirmation words are positive statements that can help to change your outlook and improve your self-esteem. By repeating these statements, you can train your brain to think more positively about yourself and your abilities.

There are many different ways to use affirmation words. You can write them down and post them where you will see them often, such as on your mirror or fridge. You can also say them out loud to yourself every day, or even record yourself saying them and listen to the recording regularly.

When choosing affirmation words, it is important to select ones that resonate with you personally. picking generic affirmations that don’t really mean anything to you is not likely to be effective. Instead, choose affirmations that reflect your own unique goals and aspirations.

Some tips for choosing affirmation words include:

Some tips for choosing affirmation words include
  • Make them specific to your situation: General affirmations may not be as effective as those that are tailored to your specific situation. For example, if you are struggling with procrastination, an affirmation such as “I am a motivated person” may not be as helpful as “I will take action towards my goals.”
  • Keep them short and simple: Long, complicated affirmations can be difficult to remember and may not have the same impact as shorter, simpler ones.
  • Use positive language: Affirmations should be stated in the positive rather than the negative. For example, saying “I am not lazy” implies that you believe you are lazy, which is not helpful. A better affirmation would be “I am determined and motivated.”
  • Make them believable: In order for affirmations to be effective, you need to believe them. If you don’t believe the affirmation, it is likely that it won’t be effective. Choose affirmations that reflect how you want to feel or what you want to achieve.
  • Repeat them often: The more you repeat your affirmations, the more likely you are to believe them. Try repeating them several times a day, either out loud or in your head. You can also write them down and post them somewhere where you will see them often.

Here are some examples of affirmation words that you can use:

Here are some examples of affirmation words that you can use
  • I am capable and competent.
  • I am worthy of love and respect.
  • I am strong and resilient.
  • I am deserving of success.
  • I am capable of achieving my goals.

Using affirmations can be a helpful way to challenge negative thoughts and beliefs and reframe your thinking in a more positive light. When choosing affirmation words, it is important to be mindful of the language you use and to select words that you believe will be most helpful for you.

How do I use affirmation words effectively?

When it comes to affirmation words, there are a few things you should keep in mind in order to use them effectively. First and foremost, the words you use should be positive and uplifting. Secondly, they should be specific to what it is you’re trying to affirm. And finally, they should be spoken with conviction.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these points.

When it comes to using positive words, this means using phrases that build someone up rather than tear them down. For example, instead of saying “You’re doing a great job,” you might say “I can see how hard you’ve been working and it’s really paying off.” The former phrase is more general and could apply to anyone doing anything well, while the latter is specific and tailored to the person you’re speaking to.

It’s also important to use affirmation words that are specific to what it is you’re trying to affirm. If you’re trying to encourage someone to keep up the good work, then using phrases like “You’ve got this” or “I know you can do it” can be very effective. On the other hand, if you’re trying to affirm someone’s worthiness or livability, then phrases like “You are enough” or “You are loved” can be more impactful.

Finally, it’s important to speak your affirmation words with conviction. This means saying them with confidence and belief. When you do this, it sends a message to the other person that you really believe in them and their ability to achieve whatever it is they’re working towards.


Here are 30 great examples of affirmation words to get you started:

Here are 30 great examples of affirmation words to get you started

1. I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.

2. I am worthy of love and respect.

3. I am strong and resilient.

4. I am grateful for all the good in my life.

5. I deserve to be happy and successful.

6. I am deserving of love and affection.

7. I am lovable and worthy of love.

8. I am valuable and have much to offer.

9. I am not defined by my mistakes or failures, but by my strength and determination.

10. I can achieve anything I want in life if I put my mind to it.

11. My opinions and ideas matter.

12. My voice deserves to be heard.

13. I have the power to change my life for the better.

14. I control my own destiny.

15. I am unique and special.

16. I am talented and gifted.

17.I possess all the qualities needed to succeed in life

18. I have everything I need to be happy and fulfilled.

19. I am surrounded by love and support.

20. I attract success and abundance into my life.

21. I am healthy, fit, and vibrant.

22. I radiate beauty, charm, and grace.

23. I am confident and self-assured.

24. I am calm, cool, and collected.

25. My cup overflows with happiness, love, and joy.

26. Prosperity flows freely into my life.

27. I live in a state of constant wonderment.

28. My mind is open to new and exciting possibilities.

29. My heart is filled with compassion for myself and others.

30. I am thankful for all the good in my life.”


Dos and Don’ts of Using Affirmations

Dos and Don’ts of Using Affirmations

There is a lot of debate surrounding the use of affirmations. Some people swear by them, while others believe they are nothing more than empty words. So, what’s the truth?

When used correctly, affirmations can be incredibly powerful. They can help you to manifest your desires, overcome negative thinking, and boost your self-confidence. However, there are certain dos and don’ts that you should be aware of before using affirmations.

Here are some tips on how to get the most out of your affirmations:

Here are some tips on how to get the most out of your affirmations

The best affirmations are those that feel true for you on a deep level. If you’re forcing yourself to repeat affirmations that you don’t believe, they won’t be nearly as effective.

  • Do make your affirmations specific.

Vague affirmations such as “I am happy” or “I am successful” are less likely to stick than those that are more specific. For example, “I am attracting my perfect soulmate” or “I am earning $5,000 per month from my online business.”

  • Do use present tense affirmations.

Affirmations are spoken in the present tense help to program your subconscious mind for success. For example, instead of saying “I will be wealthy,” say “I am wealthy.”

  • Do say your affirmations out loud.

When you say your affirmations out loud, you are more likely to believe them. You can also try recording yourself saying your affirmations and listening to the recording on a daily basis.

  • Do put feeling into your affirmations.

The more emotion you can put into your affirmations, the better. Imagine how you will feel when your affirmation comes true. For example, if you’re affirming that you will get a promotion at work, picture yourself receiving the news and feeling ecstatic about it.

  • Don’t use negative words in your affirmations.

Your subconscious mind doesn’t process negative words such as “not” or “don’t.” So, if you say an affirmation such as “I am not stressed,” your subconscious mind will only hear “I am stressed.” Instead, focus on what you DO want to achieve.

  • Don’t use affirmations that go against your core values.

For example, if you value honesty, it wouldn’t make sense to use an affirmation such as “I am a dishonest person who is always able to get away with things.” Choose affirmations that align with your values and beliefs.

  • Do be patient.

Affirmations won’t work immediately. It takes time for them to sink in and start having an impact. Be patient and keep repeating your affirmations on a daily basis.


Overall, there are both dos and don’ts to keep in mind when using affirmations. The most important thing is to choose positive affirmations that resonate with you on a deep level. Be specific, use present tense, and put feeling into your affirmations for the best results. Avoid negative words and affirmations that go against your core values. Be patient and persistent, and you will eventually see results.

Our Top FAQ's

Some common words to use in affirmations include love, abundance, joy, abundance, health, and strength.

Using positive words in affirmations can help to improve your mindset and well-being by replacing negative thoughts and beliefs with more empowering and uplifting ones. This can lead to increased confidence, happiness, and overall well-being.

To create your own affirmations using powerful and effective words, first think about the areas of your life that you want to improve or manifest. Then, using positive words, craft affirmations that reflect your desired outcome. For example, if you want to manifest abundance in your financial life, you might create an affirmation that says, “I am worthy and deserving of financial abundance, and it flows to me easily and effortlessly.”

It is important to avoid using words that convey a lack or limitation in your affirmations. For example, instead of saying “I am not poor,” you might say “I am financially abundant.” This shifts the focus from lack to abundance, which can be more effective in manifesting your desired outcome.

It is recommended to use affirmations daily, or as often as possible. You can incorporate them into your daily routine by repeating them out loud, writing them down, or even creating a visualization or meditation practice around them.