Evening Affirmations: Why You Need to Use Them Every Night

Learn about the power of using affirmations before bed and how they set your next day up for success. 

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We all have those moments of self-doubt. The voice in our head that tells us we’re not good enough, smart enough, or capable of achieving our goals. But what if there was a way to quiet that voice? A way to tell yourself, every day, that you are worthy and deserving of success?

Enter: evening affirmations.


What are evening affirmations?

What are evening affirmations?

Evening affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself before bed. The goal is to program your subconscious mind for success, so that when those moments of self-doubt arise, you have a built-in response of positivity and confidence to fall back on.

Here are some examples of evening affirmations:

“I am worthy of love and happiness.”

“I am capable of achieving my goals.”

“I am strong and resilient.”

If you’re new to the world of evening affirmations, start with just one or two. Repeat them to yourself nightly, and see how they make you feel in the morning. With time and practice, you’ll find that your self-doubt fades away and you’re better able to take on whatever life throws your way.


What are the benefits of using evening affirmations?

What are the benefits of using evening affirmations?

There are many benefits to using evening affirmations, including:

Reduced stress and anxiety: When we’re stressed or anxious, it’s often because we’re focused on negative thoughts. Repeating positive affirmations can help to refocus your mind on what’s important, and let go of the unnecessary stress and worry.

Improved self-esteem: If you’ve been struggling with low self-esteem, evening affirmations can help. By reminding yourself of your worthiness and goodness, you can slowly but surely start to believe it too.

Greater clarity and focus: Are you working towards a specific goal? Evening affirmations can help to keep you focused on what you want to achieve, so that you don’t get sidetracked or discouraged along the way.

Increased happiness and joy: One of the best things about evening affirmations is that they can help to shift your mindset from negative to positive. And when you focus on the good, you naturally start to feel happier and more joyful.

If you’re looking for a way to boost your mood, reduce stress, and improve your overall well-being, give evening affirmations a try. You might be surprised at just how powerful they can be.


How to get started with evening affirmations

How to get started with evening affirmations

Getting started with evening affirmations is easy. Simply choose one or two that resonate with you, and repeat them to yourself nightly before bed. Remember, the goal is to program your subconscious mind for success, so don’t worry if you don’t believe them at first. Just keep repeating them, and eventually, they will become a part of your belief system.

Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Keep it positive: Make sure your affirmations are positive statements. For example, rather than saying “I won’t fail,” try “I am confident in my abilities.”

2. Be specific: The more specific your affirmations are, the better. Rather than saying “I am healthy,” try “I am surrounded by good health.”

3. Make it present tense: Affirmations should be stated in the present tense, as if they’re already true. For example, “I am successful” is better than “I will be successful.”

4. Repeat, repeat, repeat: The key to making affirmations work is to repeat them often. Set a reminder on your phone or put them on post-it notes around your house. The more you see them, the more likely you are to believe them.

5. Be patient: Don’t expect miracles overnight. It takes time for affirmations to work. Just keep at it, and eventually, you’ll start to see and feel the changes.


Examples of evening affirmations

Examples of evening affirmations

Sometimes it can be hard to think of affirmations in the evening , especially if you’re feeling tired or stressed. If that’s the case, here are a few examples to get you started:

“I am worthy of good things.”

“I am strong and capable.”

“I am surrounded by people who support and love me.”

“I release all worry and stress before I go to bed.”

“I wake up feeling refreshed and well-rested.”

“I have everything I need to succeed.”

“Tomorrow is going to be a great day.”

“I am worthy of love and happiness.”

“I am capable of achieving my goals.”

“I am strong and resilient.”

“I am surrounded by good health.”

“I am successful in everything I do.”

“I attract abundance into my life.”

“Every day, I am getting closer to my goal.”

“I am filled with joy and happiness.”

“I radiate love and positivity.”


The power of positive thinking in the evening

The power of positive thinking in the evening

It’s been said that the power of positive thinking can help to achieve success in all areas of life. While some people may be skeptical, there is actually a lot of science to back up this claim.

For example, one study found that people who repeated positive affirmations had improved performance in a task that required self-control. Another study found that participants who wrote down their goals and repeated them daily were more likely to achieve those goals than those who didn’t.

The bottom line is that if you want to improve your life, it’s worth giving evening affirmations a try. Not only are they easy to do, but they also have the potential to bring about real and lasting change.

100 Evening Affirmations to Say Before Bed

100 Evening Affirmations to Say Before Bed

If you’re looking for some inspiration, here are 100 evening affirmations to get you started:

1. “I am grateful for everything I have.”

2. “I love and appreciate myself just as I am.”

3. “I am worthy of love and happiness.”

4. “I am capable of achieving my goals.”

5. “I am strong and resilient.”

6. “I attract abundance into my life.”

7. “Every day, I am getting closer to my goal.”

8. “I radiate love and positivity.”

9. “My cup is always full.”

10. “I choose thoughts that make me feel good.”

11. “I am surrounded by people who support and love me.”

12. “I release all worry and stress before I go to bed.”

13. “I wake up feeling refreshed and well-rested.”

14. “I have everything I need to succeed.”

15. “Tomorrow is going to be a great day.”

16. “Everything happens for a reason.”

17. “I am exactly where I am supposed to be.”

18. “I trust the process of life.”

19. “I am open to receiving abundance in all areas of my life.”

20. “I am worthy of good things.”

21. “I am loved.”

22. “I am safe.”

23. “I am strong and capable.”

24. “I attract only positive and loving people into my life.”

25. “My relationships are based on mutual respect and love.”

26. “I am surrounded by good health.”

27. “I am successful in everything I do.”

28. “I live each day with intention and purpose.”

29. “I am present in the moment and savor all the joys life has to offer.”

30. “I am grateful for my many blessings.”

31. “I release all negativity from my mind and body.”

32. “I choose thoughts that empower me and make me feel good.”

33. “I am surrounded by an aura of peace and calm.”

34. “My home is a sanctuary of peace, love, and healing energy.”

35. “All my needs are met with ease and grace.”

36. “I am grateful for my talents and abilities.”

37. “I use my gifts to make the world a better place.”

38. “I am kind, compassionate, and forgiving.”

39. “I love myself unconditionally.”

40. “I treat myself with kindness, respect, and love.”

41. “I listen to my body and honor its needs.”

42. “I make healthy choices that support my well-being.”

43. “I radiate beauty, health, and vitality.”

44. “My mind is clear and focused.”

45. “I think only positive, loving thoughts about myself and others.”

46. “I am surrounded by an abundance of love, joy, and happiness.”

47. “I open myself up to receive all the good life has to offer.”

48. “I am worthy of an abundant, joyful, and prosperous life.”

49. “I attract wealth and success into my life.”

50. “I am confident and self-assured.”

51. “I love and accept myself just as I am.”

52. “I am free to be myself.”

53. “I am comfortable in my own skin.”

54. “I am perfect just as I am.”

55. “I approve of myself just as I am.”

56. “I forgive myself for any past mistakes.”

57. “I am worthy of forgiveness.”

58. “I am capable of change and growth.”

59. “I am always learning and evolving.”

60. “I am flexible and adaptable.”

61. “I am open to new ideas and experiences.”

62. “I release all judgment of myself and others.”

63. “I see the beauty in everything and everyone.”

64. “I am grateful for my many blessings.”

65. “My cup is always full.”

66. “I have more than enough of everything I need.”

67. “Money flows easily and abundantly into my life.”

68. “I deserve happiness, love, and success.”

69. “All my needs are met with ease and grace.”

70. “I live each day with intention and purpose.”

71. “My thoughts are positive, loving, and kind.”

72. “I am surrounded by an aura of peace and calm.”

73. “I make healthy choices that support my well-being.”

74. “I radiate beauty, health, and vitality.”

75. “My mind is clear and focused.”

76. “I attract wealth and success into my life.”

77. “I am confident in my ability to achieve my goals.”

78. “I surround myself with people who love and support me.”

79. “I release all worry and stress before I go to bed.”

80. “I wake up feeling refreshed and well-rested.”

81. “I am surrounded by an abundance of love, joy, and happiness.”

82. “I open myself up to receive all the good life has to offer.”

83. “I am grateful for my many blessings.”

84. “I approve of myself just as I am.”

85. “I forgive myself for any past mistakes.”

86. “I am worthy of forgiveness.”

87. “I am capable of change and growth.”

88. “I am always learning and evolving.”

89. “I am flexible and adaptable.”

90. “I am open to new ideas and experiences.”

91. “I release all judgment of myself and others.”

92. “I see the beauty in everything and everyone.”

93. “I am grateful for my many blessings.”

94. “My cup is always full.”

95. “I have more than enough of everything I need.”

96. “Money flows easily and abundantly into my life.”

97. “I deserve happiness, love, and success.”

98. “All my needs are met with ease and grace.”

99. “I live each day with intention and purpose.”

100. “My thoughts are positive, loving, and kind.”

I hope you enjoyed these evening affirmations!

Using them before bedtime will help you drift off to sleep with positive, loving thoughts running through your mind. You’ll wake up feeling refreshed and well-rested, radiating beauty, health, and vitality.

Remember, you are worthy of happiness, love, and success. Surround yourself with people who love and support you, release all judgment of yourself and others, and be grateful for your many blessings. With a cup that is always full, you have more than enough of everything you need. Money flows easily and abundantly into your life. You are capable of change and growth. Keep learning and evolving every day!

Good night 🙂

Our Top FAQ's

Evening affirmations are positive statements that are intended to be repeated and believed in order to manifest a desired outcome or change in oneself. They are important because they can help to reprogram the mind with positive thoughts and beliefs, which can lead to improved mental health, better sleep, and overall positive changes in one’s life.

Using evening affirmations can improve mental health by helping to reduce negative thoughts and beliefs, and by replacing them with positive ones. This can lead to a more positive outlook and greater overall well-being.

Yes, evening affirmations can help improve sleep by providing the mind with positive thoughts and beliefs to focus on, which can help to calm the mind and reduce stress and anxiety. This can make it easier to relax and fall asleep.

Some examples of effective evening affirmations include: “I am worthy and deserving of love and happiness,” “I trust in my ability to handle whatever challenges come my way,” and “I am grateful for all that I have and all that is yet to come.”

To incorporate evening affirmations into your daily routine, try setting aside a few minutes each night before going to bed to repeat your affirmations to yourself. You can also write them down and keep them somewhere visible to remind yourself to repeat them daily. Additionally, you can try using visualization techniques to help you believe in and fully embrace your affirmations.