Why Manifestation Fails?

If you’re working hard without seeing results, this common misconception might be holding you back. 

In this article, we’ll be talking why manifestation fails to work.

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Through the years, people are using the Law of Attraction. And people are learning several things that can cause the Law of Attraction to fail. These things are the reasons why they sabotage our own success.

It’s a question that’s been asked since the law of attraction became popularized: why manifestation fails to work?

Now, let’s talk about the reasons why Manifestation Fails to Work.

Here are five habits that might lead to the failure of the Law of Attraction. How many of them do you make?

1. Believe that positive thinking is enough.

Many individuals try to make the Law of Attraction work by using positive thinking. They strive to control their ideas with an iron will, dismissing each unpleasant notion as a mistake and something evil. They try to rewire their minds to exclusively focus on the things they wish to create by using affirmations.

This almost always backfires.

When individuals tell themselves things like “I am a billionaire,” when their bank account suggests otherwise, their subconscious mind often says, “No, you are not!” ” The protest of the subconscious mind is packed with emotion. Emotions have a powerful manifesting potential and serve as a guide for what you are generating at any given time.

Any good message people give themselves through affirmations is challenged by the subconscious mind’s emotional opposition. As a result, the Law of Attraction is unable to express their goal. Instead, they either stay in their existing circumstances or, if the emotion is powerful enough, they create an even worse scenario.

2. Wonder where it’s at.

This is where the Law of Attraction fails so many individuals.

People are impatient by nature. They know exactly what they want and they want it right now.

When individuals first discover about the Law of Attraction, they believe that if they merely write down their wishes or construct a vision board, their lives would be transformed in a matter of days or weeks. In little time, their minds are occupied with “Where is it already?!?” ”

That is not how the Law of Attraction functions!

Yes, your perception of reality may differ from what you’re attempting to produce. However, if you become impatient and irritated, you will simply attract more of what makes you impatient and frustrated.

You must be vibrating at the same frequency of energy as your goal. Making a list or looking for images in a magazine will not influence your vibrational frequency.

If you’re asking where your manifestation is, it’s because you’ve never trusted the Universe to deliver you what you want! You never had complete confidence in the Law of Attraction. You were only trying it to see if you had found a miracle, much like many individuals leap from one diet trend to another in the hopes they’ve finally found the miraculous remedy to their issues.

You have resistance if you are impatient because the Law of Attraction did not deliver you your goal as soon as you thought. You’re not allowing your want to materialize, and until you remove the resistance, you’ll be impatient and either give up or worry if you’re using the Law of Attraction incorrectly.

You must have entire faith in the Law of Attraction to function. Once you’ve obtained it, your wish will appear as quickly as feasible. You won’t be perplexed as to why it isn’t appearing. You won’t believe you’re doing anything wrong.

Overcome the opposition, and you’ll feel at ease knowing that change is on its way.

3. Don’t believe that you can attract your desire.

You may say to yourself and anybody who will listen, “I DO believe,” but if the Law of Attraction has failed to deliver you your goal, I’m sorry to break it to you, but you don’t think you can materialize it on some level.

The inability to believe is an indication of devotion to a desire. Attachment frequently manifests as anxiety, doubt, despair, and wrath.

On some level, you don’t think you can acquire what you desire through the Law of Attraction, and you don’t feel you deserve it.

You may believe that you do not deserve what you desire. “I’m not good enough,” “I never win,” “I’m not clever enough,” “I’m not attractive enough,” “I’m not slender enough,” “It won’t happen for someone like me”…

When you examine your beliefs to identify where you don’t feel you can attract your want, search for competing beliefs as well. For example, if you desire more money and to spend more time with your family, search for contradictory attitudes that having money entails working longer hours and spending less time with your family.

You must focus on matching your desires while keeping open to new opportunities. Instead of determining how the Law of Attraction will operate to bring you what you want, consider the possibility that you can have both. Allow the Universe to do the searching for you.

4. Keep talking about everything that’s happened…everything that’s gone wrong.

Every time you bring up anything that has gone wrong in your life…every time you mention how things aren’t going the way you want them right now…you are producing more of what you don’t want.

When recounting your tale, the more negative emotions you employ, the more powerful it becomes.

While it may appear that the Law of Attraction is failing to create your wish, the fact is that each retelling of your tale sends a powerful signal that you want the bad stuff to happen. It is so powerful that it may overcome all of your constructive efforts to create your desired world.

Check to determine whether talking about your concerns is helping you. Are you acting for sympathy? Do you love seeing people’s reactions? Are you searching for their rage? Do you do it to gain their approval?

If this is the case, you may be engaged in a loop in which you gain from your troubles. To effect the desired change, you must break the cycle.

5. Ignore the signs that your desire is manifesting.

Everything that reminds you of your wish is an indication that it is coming true.

If you wish to sell your property and receive a postcard from a realtor about a nearby sold house, that’s a good indicator.

If you want a certain black jacket and start seeing black jackets everywhere, it’s a sign.

It’s a sign if you desire to materialize a relationship and you observe loving couples.

When you wish to materialize anything, you will see signals that the Law of Attraction is at work. Every indication is a query from the Universe, asking whether this is truly what you desire.

Appreciate any encouraging signs that come your way. Be glad that you are aligned with your desire and that it is manifesting itself in your life.

If you receive a negative sign, recognize that something in your vibrational energy is not in tune with your desire. Your desire will not emerge unless you adjust it. Take the indication as good feedback and make the necessary improvements. If you do not, the Law of Attraction will not work for you.

The Law of Attraction States You get what you think about.

That statement should be read numerous times. What you focus your mind on is what you acquire and attract into your life. When I hear words like, “I see my lover with someone else, he’s so happy now, they look like a nice pair, what can I do, I miss him so badly,” it makes me want to cry.

They are thinking about what they lack, what they do not want to attract into their life, and focusing on all the wrong things that will just bring them more of the same since that is what they are thinking about the most of the time.

You receive what you think about, and if you’re thinking ideas like the one above, that’s exactly what you’ll attract more of into your life, whether you want it or not. This is why the law of attraction fails for the vast majority of individuals.

You can’t attract what you want into your life by thinking about what you don’t want; the world doesn’t care and will give you exactly what you’re envisioning in your head.

How to Actually Make The Law of Attraction Work

Holding ideas and images in your head tells the universe precisely what you want in your life. When you think about your ex with another person, you are effectively telling the world via your thoughts and images that this is what you want.

To make the law of attraction work, you must think about and visualize exactly what you desire and nothing else.

You must see things, think about them, and feel as though you already have them.

Then, through your ideas and images, you are telling the universe, “This is what I want,” and only then can the law of attraction work for you. Don’t worry about how it isn’t your job; it will happen in the most efficient way possible. Many times, we are surprised in unexpected ways.

The Law of Attraction works, as has been demonstrated several times. If you learn how to utilize it correctly, your life will never be the same again.

The law of attraction is not a deception. It is a genuine, tested principle that works when used correctly.

The Bottomline

Most individuals fail because they focus on what they don’t want, which just attracts more of the same. To make the law of attraction work for you, concentrate solely on what you desire.

Keep images and thoughts of what you desire in your head, and the law of attraction will take care of the rest. You may not get the desired results quickly, but if you remain steady and focused on your goals, you will get there.

Our Top FAQ's

Some people may believe that manifestation doesn’t work because they have not seen any results from their efforts. This could be due to a variety of factors, such as a lack of understanding of how manifestation works or a lack of consistency and dedication in practicing manifestation techniques.

Common mistakes that people make when trying to manifest something include focusing on a lack of what they want (instead of the abundance of what they want), not believing that manifestation is possible, and not being clear and specific about what they want to manifest.


A person’s mindset and beliefs can definitely affect the success of their manifestation efforts. If a person has negative beliefs about themselves or the world, it can be difficult for them to manifest their desires. On the other hand, having a positive mindset and strong belief in the power of manifestation can greatly improve the chances of success.

To improve the chances of successfully manifesting something, it’s important to be clear and specific about what you want, believe that it is possible to manifest your desire, and take consistent action towards manifesting your goal. It can also be helpful to practice gratitude and positive affirmations, as well as let go of any doubts or negative thoughts that may be holding you back.

There can be many outside factors that can affect the success of manifestation, such as the beliefs and actions of other people, the current state of the world, and even the laws of physics. However, the most important factor is always the individual’s mindset and belief in the power of manifestation. If a person believes in their ability to manifest their desires and takes consistent action towards their goals, they can overcome many outside obstacles and achieve their desired outcome.