The Manifestation Course
Learn more about why beginners should sign up for a manifestation course that will hold their hand during their manifestation journey.

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Are you looking for a way to manifest your dreams and goals? If so, the Manifestation Course may be just what you need. This course is designed to help you Manifest anything you desire in life. All you need is an open mind and the willingness to learn.
The Manifestation Course will teach you the basics of manifestation, how to set goals, and how to take action steps towards those goals. You’ll also learn about the law of attraction and how it can help you manifest your desires. By the end of the course, you’ll have all the tools you need to start manifesting your dream life!
Now, let’s learn more about what this course is about to offer.
Why Do We Need Manifestation Course?

The Manifestation Course is designed to help you manifest anything you desire in life. All you need is an open mind and the willingness to learn.
The Manifestation Course will teach you the basics of manifestation, how to set goals, and how to take action steps towards those goals. You’ll also learn about the law of attraction and how it can help you manifest your desires. By the end of the course, you’ll have all the tools you need to start manifesting your dream life!
Now, let’s learn more about what this course is about to offer.
What Will You Learn from The Manifestation Course?
Here are some of the things that you’ll learn from taking The Manifestation Course:
The First Lesson: Claiming Your Natural Genius
Before you can start manifesting your dreams, you need to understand and accept that you are a natural genius. This lesson will help you do just that! You’ll learn about your unique talents and how to use them to your advantage. You’ll also discover how to tap into your creativity so you can Manifest anything you desire.
The Second Lesson: How Unconscious Manifestation Works

Here’s how unconscious manifestation works: Without realizing it, we draw experiences and people unconsciously, and interact with them in programmed ways.
•One way is through having to limit beliefs that got ingrained before we could think for ourselves. Somehow we pick up limiting ideas like “I’m a loser” or “There’s never enough to go around.” Then we operate as if those beliefs were actually true.
•We speak the language of limitation. We say things like “Just my luck!” or “People can’t be trusted” instead of speaking the language of limitless possibility (like “I’m going to make my own luck” and “Some people can be trusted, some can’t, and I’m going to find the ones who can.”)
•We leave things undone, and those incompletions keep us tied to old patterns. For example, one of my clients had a great business idea but couldn’t get it going. In working with me, he realized he still owed money to a bunch of people from a previous business deal. He made amends and started paying them back—suddenly the new idea took off.
•Another way we manifest things unconsciously is through repeating patterns based on an old wound. I had a wound from childhood abandonment that I’d never faced, so I kept getting women to abandon me until I saw the pattern and got up the courage to face it.
•Simple monkey-see modeling is a huge source of unconscious manifestation. Maybe Mom and Dad drank too much and fought all the time. Twenty years later you and your spouse drink too much and fight all weekend. What we see is often what we become—unless we take charge of designing our own lives.
Take a moment to wonder right now. Ask yourself: What unconscious patterns am I repeating in my life? It is definitely a question worth asking yourself. I began asking thirty-some years ago, and I still ask it now. Along the way, everything has changed. We have enjoyed a wonderfully loving relationship for twenty-five years, simply by practicing the skills in books we’ve written such as conscious Loving and Lasting Love. We also went from being in debt when we met to having more financial abundance than we ever dreamed of, simply by applying the principles of manifestation we were privileged to discover. Since we haven’t needed to work for a living in many years, we now devote our lives to transmitting what we’ve learned to those of you who are interested in creating love, wealth, and health for yourselves. We teach seminars, both in person and over the Internet, which communicate everything we know about how to manifest great love, satisfying abundance, and vibrant health. Would you be willing to have a major positive shift in the quality of your life over the next year? We discovered several years ago that people who practice the skills we teach in our seminars experience remarkable results within the course of a year. The result: They see a doubling of their net worth and the flow of love they feel in their close relationships. In other words, they find that they have at least twice as much money and feel at least twice as much love as they did the year before. Perhaps even more remarkable is that this doubling of love and money occurs without changing their spending or saving habits, making any particular investments, or altering the outward aspects of their relationships. Would you be willing to have at least a doubling of your love and money over the next year? If so, begin by circulating this affirmation through your mind and body this week: I commit to becoming aware of the unconscious patterns that limit me. Until we connect again, thank you for your participation in the program.
The Third Lesson: How to Stop Unconscious Manifestation

Unconscious manifestation thrives on complaining. We keep our childhood programming in place by complaining to willing listeners that we’ve been victimized. When people challenge us to take charge of our lives, we often get defensive and argue that our limiting beliefs are valid and necessary. If you want to stop your unconscious patterns cold, stop complaining. Put yourself on a radical complaint-fast for one day: Don’t let a single complaint out of your mouth. Then go a second day and a third. Many years ago I went on a complaining-fast, and my old patterns started to drop away effortlessly. I soon found I could go days and weeks without complaining about anything. Eventually, my complaint-fast stretched into years, and by then the miracles were unfolding so rapidly I could scarcely believe it. The circumstances of my life improved so radically that there was nothing to complain about.
Your first task
: Discover what you complain about.
Your second task
: Discover the people you complain to, the listeners of your complaining. When I started these discoveries thirty years ago, I found to my horror that I complained about lots of things, and my “friends” were exclusively people who would willingly listen to my complaints over and over. I put “friends” in quotes because I now realize that they weren’t friends at all—they were my co-conspirators in the slow sabotage of my life. We were all sinking together, barely noticing our descent because we were having such glee complaining all the way.
Will you commit to living completely free of complaints?
If so, speak the following sentence aloud, from the bottom of your heart: I,___________, commit to a complaint-free life. As you flow through your week, float this affirmation through your mind and body: Blessings flow in the areas of my life I used to complain about. Thank you for the gift of your participation in my life.
The Fourth Lesson: Changing the Quality of your Questions
Our early life experiences often lead us to focus on limited questions like these: How can I survive? How can I get even? How can I get by? How can I hide so nobody sees me? How can I get people to love me? Important News: We can consciously change the quality of the questions we ask in life.Trade in your old questions for new, high-quality questions like these: How can I bring forth my true genius? How can I add the most value to the people around me and create abundance for me at the same time? How can I express and enjoy the greatest flow of love and abundance? Take a few minutes to do some thinking and journaling: Generate a written list of the limited questions you think you’ve been asking. Create a new list of high-quality questions to replace them. Don’t strain to think of these…simply relax and let them come to you. As you move through your week, float the following affirmation through your mind and body: I discover the essential questions of my magnificent life. My blessings to you on your journey to complete fulfillment of all you desire.
Tips on how to pass this course:

In order to pass this course, it is important that you first understand the concept of manifesting and how it works. This will allow you to better follow along with the lessons and put into practice what you learn. It is also recommended that you complete the exercises in each lesson, as these will help to embed the learning so that you can apply it in your own life. Finally, be sure to stay positive and have faith in yourself – if you believe that you can manifest your desires, then they will come true!
If you’re ready to start manifesting your dreams, enroll in the Manifestation Course today! You won’t regret it.
Our Top FAQ's
A manifestation course is a type of educational program that teaches individuals how to manifest their goals and desires using the power of their thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. These courses can cover a wide range of topics, including the law of attraction, visualization techniques, affirmations, and mindfulness.
The manifestation process involves using the power of your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions to bring about desired outcomes in your life. This can be done through techniques such as visualization, affirmations, and mindfulness, which help you to focus on your goals and align your energy with what you want to manifest.
Participating in a manifestation course can benefit an individual’s personal growth and development by helping them to understand the power of their thoughts and beliefs, and how they can use this power to create positive change in their lives. It can also help individuals to develop a sense of clarity and purpose, and to cultivate greater self-awareness and self-acceptance.
There are usually no prerequisites or necessary background knowledge for taking a manifestation course. However, some courses may be more suitable for certain individuals based on their goals and interests. It is always a good idea to research the course and its content before enrolling to ensure that it is a good fit for you.
Some common misconceptions or criticisms of manifestation courses include the idea that they promote wishful thinking or that they are based on superstition or spirituality. However, many manifestation courses are based on scientific principles and evidence-based practices, and can help individuals to develop valuable skills and strategies for creating positive change in their lives. It is important to approach any manifestation course with an open mind and to be willing to put in the necessary effort and practice to see results.