What is Visualization? How to Use It to Achieve Your Goals

Learn about the power of visualization and how to use it in your life for your goals and success. 

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If you want to achieve your goals, it’s important to focus your thoughts and stay motivated. Visualization can help you do both of these things by creating mental images of what you want to achieve. Seeing the potential outcomes of your actions can also be helpful in making decisions that will lead you to your goals. So, how can you use visualization to achieve your goals? Read on to find out!

Anyone who has experienced success through the use of visualization will note that there is almost something magical about the process. But what if its strong effect comes from something far more scientific? What if it’s a power drawn from your body’s neuro-physiological connection- a connection in your body’s makeup imperative for healthy and normal function?

Our thoughts are powerful and visualization can have very direct physical impacts on our mind and body.


The Science of Visualization

One example of this is the fact that visualization is a recommended therapy technique for stroke survivors who have suffered damage to their motor cortex. Repetitive practice of using visualization to imagine moving certain body parts, such as closing and re-opening the hand, has shown to promote neuroplasticity and lead to successful rehabilitation of damaged brain tissue.

By simply visualizing the use of certain muscles, patients can increase blood flow to the affected areas of the brain and effectively build bridges between healthy tissues, save that area of the brain and eventually recover that bodily function. (Hoffman)

By simply visualizing that we are doing or seeing something, our brains stimulate the exact same part of the brain that would be stimulated if we were actually doing or seeing that thing in real life. In a study conducted by the University of Colorado at Boulder, participants who simply imagined encountering a threat- like a scary dog – stimulated the same area of the brain that is stimulated when experiencing a threatening situation in real life.


Visualizations Impact on Our Physical Body

Beyond brain tissue and hormonal stimulation, visualization can also directly impact our physical body including our muscles. A study published in the National Library of Medicine showed that simply imagining doing certain finger exercises showed an increase of finger muscle strength by 35% (compared to the 53% strength increase of the group that actually performed the exercises, and 0% increase for the control group).

Being aware of the neuro-physiological connection gives us the power to retrain our mind and effectively change our reality.

Though our conscious minds may be able to decipher our reality, our subconscious minds cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined. We still experience the same emotions and the same physiological response to things that we imagine and the things we actually experience.

In other words, our minds or our perception becomes our reality.

This is why it is SO powerful to focus on bringing positivity into our minds through the use of affirmation meditation and visualization. Our thoughts have physical implications that truly affect our reality. By choosing to create positive space in your mind, your perception of -along with the reality of- your life becomes more positive. Harness that power and apply it to every area in which you are seeking success!



What is visualization?

Visualization is the process of creating mental images of what you want to achieve. When you visualize, you effectively tell your brain what you want to achieve and how you want to achieve it. This can help you focus your thoughts and stay motivated to reach your goals. Additionally, visualization can help you see the potential outcomes of your actions, which can be helpful in making decisions that will lead you to your goals.


What are the benefits of visualization?

There are many benefits to visualization, including the ability to focus your thoughts, stay motivated, and see the potential outcomes of your actions. Additionally, visualization can help reduce stress and anxiety, increase confidence, and improve performance.


How can I use visualization to achieve my goals?

How can I use visualization to achieve my goals?

There are a few different ways you can use visualization to achieve your goals. First, you can visualization to focus your thoughts on your goals. This will help you stay motivated and committed to achieving your goals. Additionally, you can use visualization to see the potential outcomes of your actions. This can help you make better decisions that will lead you to your goals. Finally, visualization can also help reduce stress and anxiety, which can further help you reach your goals.

No matter what your goals are, visualization can be a helpful tool in achieving them. So, try visualizing today and see how it can help you reach your goals!


Visualization Combined with Affirmations

Visualization Combined with Affirmations

If you want to maximize the power of visualization, you can combine it with affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that you can say to yourself to help increase your confidence and motivation. For example, if your goal is to lose weight, you could say, “I am healthy and fit.” Repeating affirmations like this can help increase your belief in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals.

When you combine visualization with affirmations, you create a powerful tool for achieving your goals. By visualizing what you want to achieve and repeating positive affirmations, you will recognize the specific steps you need to take and increase your chances of achieving your goals. So, try combining visualization with affirmations today and see how it can help you reach your goals!


25 Affirmations to Use With Visualization

1. I am healthy and fit.

2. I am achieving my goals.

3. I am confident and successful.

4. I am happy and fulfilled.

5. I love my life and am grateful for all that I have.

6. I am attracting abundance into my life.

7. I am surrounded by positive, like-minded people.

8. I have all the resources I need to achieve my goals.

9. My mind is clear and focused on my goals.

10. I take consistent action towards my goals and see results quickly.

11. I remain calm and confident in the face of obstacles and challenges.

12. I easily overcome any obstacle or challenge that comes my way.

13. I am always moving closer to my goals.

14. Every day, I am getting closer and closer to achieving my goals.

15. My efforts are paying off and I am seeing progress every day.

16. I am confident in my ability to achieve my goals.

17. I stay motivated and committed to achieving my goals.

18. I am excited and enthusiastic about achieving my goals.

19. I have a strong belief in myself and my ability to achieve my goals.

20. I am determined and focused on achieving my goals.

21. My visualization skills are improving every day.

22. I am using visualization to achieve all of my goals.

23. Visualization is helping me create the life of my dreams.

24. I am grateful for the power of visualization and all that it has helped me achieve.

25. Visualization is a powerful tool that I use every day to achieve my goals.


Visualization and Professional Athletes

Visualization and Professional Athletes

Many professional athletes use visualization to help them achieve their goals. By visualizing themselves achieving their goals, they are able to stay motivated and focused on what they need to do to succeed. Additionally, visualization can help athletes see the potential outcomes of their actions, which can be helpful in making decisions that will lead to success. For example, a basketball player may visualize themselves making a game-winning shot in order to stay calm and focused when the situation arises in a real game.

If you’re looking to achieve your goals, whether in athletics or other areas of life, visualization can be a powerful tool to help you preform at a higher level.


How can visualization help you focus on your goals?

How can visualization help you focus on your goals?

When you visualization, you are effectively telling your brain what your goals are and how you want to achieve them. This can help you focus your thoughts and stay motivated to reach your goals. Additionally, visualization can help you see the potential outcomes of your actions, which can be helpful in making decisions that will lead you to your goals. So, how can visualization help you focus on your goals?

First, visualization can help you focus your thoughts on your goals. This will help you stay motivated and committed to achieving your goals. Additionally, visualization can help you see the potential outcomes of your actions. This can help you make better decisions that will lead you to your goals. Finally, visualization can also help reduce stress and anxiety, which can further help you reach your goals.


Visualization and the Law of Attraction

The law of attraction is the belief that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, people can bring positive or negative experiences into their lives.

For example, if you focus on achieving your goals, you are more likely to achieve them. Similarly, if you focus on not achieving your goals, you are more likely to not achieve them.

Visualization is a powerful tool that can help you focus on your goals and achieve them. By visualization your goals, you are effectively telling your brain what you want to achieve. This can help you stay motivated and focused on your goals, which will in turn lead to achieving them. So, if you’re looking to achieve your goals, visualization can be a helpful tool for you.


How can visualization help you see the potential outcomes of your actions?

How can visualization help you see the potential outcomes of your actions?

When you visualization, you create mental images of what you want to achieve. These images can help you focus your thoughts and stay motivated to achieve your goals. Additionally, visualization can also help you see the potential outcomes of your actions. This can be helpful in making decisions that will lead you to your goals.

Visualization is a powerful tool that can help you focus on your goals and achieve them. By visualization your goals, you are effectively telling your brain what you want to achieve. This can help you stay motivated and focused on your goals, which will in turn lead to achieving them. Additionally, visualization can also help you see the potential outcomes of your actions. This can be helpful in making decisions that will lead you to your goals.

So, if you’re looking to achieve your goals, visualization can be a helpful tool for you. Additionally, using affirmations with visualization can also be helpful in achieving your goals. Affirmations are positive statements that can help change your mindset and beliefs about yourself. When used together, visualization and affirmations can be a powerful combination in helping you achieve your goals.

How to Visualize

If you want to get started on your visualization journey, give the Selfpause app a try today. You can choose from hundreds of affirmation meditations for visualization in dozens of categories, or create and record a personal list of your own custom affirmations.

Download Selfpause

If you’d like to get started harnessing the power of visualization in your own life download the Selfpause app.