Are Affirmations Helpful

Discover why affirmations are beneficial in changing our thinking patterns and assisting us in achieving our goals.

Selfpause Affirmation App

Download the app to get 1,000’s of affirmation meditations and everything you need to write, record and listen to your own.

Are affirmations helpful? This is a question that has been debated among experts for years. Some people swear by them, while others claim they are nothing more than positive thinking gone wrong. So, what is the truth? Are affirmations actually helpful or not?

The answer, it seems, lies somewhere in the middle. Affirmations can be helpful if used correctly, but they can also do more harm than good if not used properly. Let’s take a closer look at both sides of the argument.

On the one hand, there is no denying that affirmations can be powerful. When we repeat something to ourselves often enough, we start to believe it, whether it is true or not. This is why affirmations can be so helpful in changing our thinking patterns and helping us to achieve our goals.


How to make Affirmations Helpful

How to make Affirmations Helpful

Most people have heard of affirmations, but few know how to make them work. Affirmations are positive statements that describe a desired goal or outcome. When used correctly, they can be a powerful tool to help you reach your goals.

The first step to making affirmations work is to choose ones that are specific and realistic. Vague affirmations such as “I am successful” or “I am happy” are not likely to be effective. Instead, choose affirmations that describe a specific goal or outcome that you would like to achieve. For example, “I am earning $5,000 per month from my online business” or “I am running a marathon in 6 months.”

Another important tip is to believe in your affirmations. This may sound obvious, but it’s important to remember that your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is not. If you don’t believe in your affirmations, they will have no effect.

Finally, make sure to use affirmative statements in the present tense. This helps to program your subconscious mind to start working towards your goal immediately. For example, “I am” or “I have” are much more effective than “I will.”


How to Create Powerful Affirmations

How to Create Powerful Affirmations

Now that you know how to make affirmations work, it’s time to create some of your own. Here are a few tips to get you started:

1. Keep them short and sweet. The shorter your affirmations are, the easier they will be to remember and repeat.

2. Make them specific. As we mentioned before, vague affirmations such as “I am happy” or “I am successful” are not likely to be effective. Be specific about what you want to achieve.

3. Write them down. Studies have shown that writing down your affirmations is more effective than just repeating them in your head. This is because the act of writing reinforces the affirmation in your subconscious mind.

4. Repeat them often. The more you repeat your affirmations, the more likely you are to achieve your goal. Try repeating them several times a day, either out loud or in your head.

5. Believe in them. This is the most important step! If you don’t believe in your affirmations, they will have no effect.

Are affirmations helpful? The answer is yes – but only if you use them correctly. Follow the tips above to create powerful affirmations that will help you reach your goals.


Are Affirmations Actually Helpful?

Are Affirmations actually Helpful

When it comes to self-improvement, there are a lot of different techniques and tactics that people use in order to try and better themselves. One of the more popular methods is the use of affirmations.

An affirmation is simply a positive statement about oneself that is repeated often, in order to try and program the subconscious mind into believing it. For example, some common affirmations are “I am confident” or “I am successful”.

The idea behind using affirmations is that if you can change the way you think about yourself, then you can change your behavior and ultimately achieve your goals.

So, the question is: do affirmations actually work?

There is some scientific evidence to suggest that they can be helpful. For example, a study published in the journal “PLoS ONE” found that participants who repeated positive affirmations about themselves had improved performance on a task that required self-control.

Other research has shown that affirmations can help to reduce stress and anxiety, and even improve physical health.

So, it seems that there is some merit to using affirmations as a tool for self-improvement. However, it’s important to keep in mind that they are not a magic bullet and they will not work for everyone.

If you decide to give them a try, make sure to choose affirmations that are realistic and achievable for you. Repeating them regularly, and believing in them, is also key.

And finally, don’t forget that taking action towards your goals is still the most important thing you can do. Affirmations can be a helpful tool, but they are not a substitute for hard work and dedication.


55 Helpful Motivational Affirmations That Improve Yourself

55 Helpful Motivational Affirmations That Improves Yourself

1. “I can do anything I set my mind to.”

2. “I am strong.”

3. “I am capable.”

4. “I am worthy.”

5. “I am deserving.”

6. “I am abundant.”

7. “I am loved.”

8. “I am loveable.”

9. “All is well in my world.”

10. “Everything happens for a reason and everything will be okay in the end.”

11. I attract success and abundance into my life effortlessly”

12. “My needs are always met, no matter what the circumstances may be.”

13. I release all resistance to change and flow with the Universe easily and effortlessly”

14. “I am healthy, happy, and whole.”

15. “I am strong.”

16. I now choose to forgive myself for all past mistakes and I move forward with love”

17. I am grateful for everything I have in my life”

18. “I live in a state of constant joy, happiness, love, and abundance.”

19. “I look forward to each new day with enthusiasm and energy.”

20. “I release all judgment of myself and others, and live in compassion.”

21. “I am safe.”

22. “I trust the Universe/God/Spirit to take care of me.”

23. “I am always surrounded by love and support.”

24. “My life is exactly as it should be.”

25. “I am perfect just as I am.”

26. “I love and approve of myself just as I am.”

27. “I am confident and self-assured.”

28. “I have everything I need to create the life I desire.”

29. “I am open to new possibilities and abundance in all areas of my life.”

30. “I choose thoughts and circumstances that empower me.”

31. “My past does not define me.”

32. “I am worthy of love, success, and happiness.”

33. “I create my reality through my thoughts, words, and actions.”

34. “I am in control of my life and my choices.”

35. “I am responsible for my own happiness.”

36. “I love and accept myself just as I am.”

37. “I am worthy of love and respect.”

38. “I treat myself with kindness, love, and respect.”

39. “I deserve to be happy and successful.”

40. “I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.”

41. “I believe in myself and my ability to succeed.”

42. “I am talented and skilled.”

43. “I have everything I need to be happy and successful.”

44. “I am surrounded by love and support.”

45. “I am loved and accepted just as I am.”

46. “I am valuable and worth my weight in gold.”

47. “I am significant and appreciated.”

48. “I add value to the world.”

49. “My presence makes a difference in the world.”

50. “I contribute to making the world a better place.”

51. “I make a positive difference in the lives of others.”

52. “I am an instrument of peace, love, and joy.”

53. “My life is a reflection of my own inner beauty.”

54. “I shine brightly in the world.”

55. “I am a magnet for success, love


Effective Affirmations from Selfpause

How Effective Affirmations in Selfpause

Affirmations are positive statements that target our specific goals and help to reframe our thinking. When we focus on negative thoughts, we tend to attract more negativity into our lives. However, by deliberately choosing to focus on the positive, we can “trick” our brains into seeing the glass as half-full rather than half-empty. This simple shift in perspective can have a profound impact on our overall wellbeing.

Selfpause is an app that uses affirmations to help users achieve their goals. The app provides a library of over 200 affirmations, organized into different categories such as self-love, career, and relationships. Users can set reminders to receive daily affirmation push notifications, or listen to a relaxation recording that includes positive affirmations.

Selfpause has proven to be an effective tool for many users. In a recent study, over 70% of participants reported feeling happier and more confident after using the app for just two weeks. Moreover, nearly 80% said they would recommend Selfpause to a friend.

If you’re looking for a way to boost your mood and increase your motivation, consider giving Selfpause a try. The app is available for free on the App Store and Google Play.


Why affirmations are effective

Why affirmations are effective

Affirmations can be a helpful tool for anyone looking to improve their mood or increase their motivation. However, it’s important to believe in them wholeheartedly. Additionally, taking action towards your goals is still the most important thing you can do. Affirmations can help to reframe your thinking, but they are not a substitute for hard work and dedication. With that said, if you’re looking for a little extra boost, Selfpause is a great option. Give it a try today!



Our Top FAQ's

An affirmation is a positive statement that is said or written with the intent of affirming or reinforcing a belief or desired outcome. Affirmations are often used as a tool for personal development, self-improvement, and motivation.

The idea behind affirmations is that by repeatedly saying or writing a positive statement, you can train your mind to believe it and ultimately manifest it in your life. This is based on the concept of the “law of attraction,” which suggests that positive thoughts can attract positive events and experiences.


Some examples of affirmations are: “I am worthy and deserving of love and happiness,” “I am confident and capable in all that I do,” “I am abundant and grateful for all that I have,” and “I am healthy and strong in mind, body, and spirit.”

Some potential drawbacks to using affirmations include the possibility of becoming too reliant on them and not taking action to achieve your goals, as well as the potential for self-delusion if the affirmations do not align with reality. Additionally, some people may find affirmations to be too simplistic or ineffective, and may require a different approach to personal development.

There is some scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of affirmations, but it is limited and mixed. Some studies have found that affirmations can improve self-esteem, reduce stress and anxiety, and increase motivation, while others have found no significant effects. More research is needed to fully understand the potential benefits and limitations of affirmations.